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birbrmatCOME BACKPlz come back!!!!
rufus405It’s okay to racist if you’re black2 hippos that play the victim constantly.. because… you guessed it.. it’s because they’re black and “whytepeepo be racist”…
Friend 27.7Loved it, miss it!Come back!!!
listenuphiCome back pleaseTwo dope queens is hilarious. I recommend it to all my friends.
CurlyC76My favoriteI miss this show!!! I have listened to all episodes twice. I miss Phoebe and Jess!!!
TheaterDirectorPWNeed more DopeWe all gettin that empty silence awkward itch but just can't scratch it, when desperate can try digging around to find some dope maybe somehow forgot about, but it's at the point now that I try find some from other outlets but the good times just aren't the same. Aaaargh, can't give full stars because where are the stars? Maybe shouldn't have written this down because now cravin for Phoebe & Jessica misbehavin is more intense, oh well back to nothin, welcome to the nope show, time for more mope show
Mr.Bob Dobalina2 racist black supremacistsHey look at me. 2 black girls. It’s all about the color of my skin. 2 racist pigs
IrondookieLoved this showMiss it
I'm That girl12891Baby Come backOne of the funniest podcasts hands down. This podcast kept me giggling and sane during the quarantine. Jessica and phoebe are the perfect comedy duo. Thanks to this podcast I was introduced to my new favorite comedian Naomi Ekperigin. Blessings.
CB1273Always makes me smile which is needed these days!I really love this show. The chemistry between the hosts makes me smile each and every episode. The show is the perfect mix of banter between the ladies followed by really funny comedians - IDK how anyone could dislike this podcast.
GodelfanCovid CureFinding your podcasts and listening to them every day saved me. You made me laugh when I was scared and you helped know where to start my “woke” journey when the protests made me feel lost. Thank you, from another white person who now knows to not touch the hair.
Leelee01233Best Podcast!!I love these two ladies SO MUCH!! I really hope you are coming back one day. Miss you loads! You’ve made me laugh during some of my toughest days and let me forget for a little while and laugh like a crazy person!!
YessjessieAre you coming back?? Miss you gals!!!Please!
Row KieferHILARThis is literally the funniest pod I’ve ever listened to!! My sister keeps catching me laughing to myself while listening!
GigiOlivierelolzIt’s a rare thing for me to actually chuckle out loud but this happens multiple times while listening to these women banter. And their guests aren’t too shabby either. I’ve been listening nonstop for approx 3 days and it’s giving me sweet sweet reprieve from my usual news obsession and various other ‘rona related stressors. Keep it up loves, I like you a lot.
FlumplestankGreat show. I wish it was still around.I miss this show so much.
eeeeliiiiizFaaavI have listened to every episode multiple times! This is easily my favorite podcast!
LinnerrrrDisappointedI listened to the trailer and some of the 1st episode. They clearly hate white people. They aren’t that funny either. Next.
LessCouchOnDear Dope Queens,Do you guys sell hard or soft? -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
aarideouHilarious!I sneak and listen to this at work with my headphones. I can not help but LOL
nancylymilMiss you!When are you chicas coming back!!! You are my sanity!!!
TayVishusThe. Best.I totes love catching up on this show! I’m just starting to listen so I have lots to entertain me on the way to work. I’m coming off of catching up on Righteous and Ratchet
cait knightI Lerve Two Derp QueensI look up to you guys so much. You’ve given so many talented and lovely people a platform to make laughs and share stories. Also, I can’t stop using Phoebe’s abbreviated words. Every time I say “cunch” instead of country, I think of y’all. Keep doing what you’re doing. You both are amazing.
sojuicyjaI miss this podcastI still go back and listen to this podcast. It has so much good content. The talent these two women have is unparalleled. And the guest comedians are stars. Get your education!
mynameisTyI love y’allI am a HA-white male and I started listening to y’all last year, I’ve binged through every episode and listened to all of sooo many white guys too. You girls are so amazing and genuine and beautiful, I’ve always been open minded but you both have really taught me a lot of things about culture and woman among other things. I recommend you to everyone, I love y’all and wish y’all nothing but success!!
KatieK1014Favorite podcast EVER!!!Never liked podcasts until I listened to this one!!! I love Phoebe and Jessica with all my heart-They are the definition of girl power 💗💗
ladyMeldarYQY!Thank you. Thank you. Thannnnnk you!! I love this podcast. It’s a hilarious beacon in the sea of self loathing white guy with podcasts! I laugh so much tears run down my legs. I love you, Queens!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. 💕💕💕💕
best pod everrrrr!You’re the best!Miss you guys! Hope everything’s okay with Jess. Might there be another podcast season soon?
CinnyCynzDope!I wish I would have had these queens in my life a long time ago. The humor mixed with their smarts and wit, is a true delight! Black girl magic.
the harleen quinzellove that there is an audienceit really makes a difference
MrsLS5413DAMNITI’m so conflicted! I was introduced to your show on a 10 hour round trip drive to Phoenix from Las Vegas and clearly became obsessed. Now there are no new episodes and hurts my heart. Starting from the beginning now, please come back!
trybicPlease come backI miss this show so much. I still haven’t found anything else as good
Boo Bear 51#Cancelled?I loved this podcast but no new episodes in a long time. Has it been cancelled?
TheWaterBottleYouDidn'tRecycleAssNutIt be that way sometimes chief
KiraKiraMeansSparkleLaughter really is the best medicineI’ve had a difficult year but listening to The 2Dope Queens makes life more bearable. These ladies are funny, and I love that they bring on so many other funny people to help me get through the day. I’m so glad I was told to listen to their podcast...starting my day by listening to Phoebe and Jessica really helps!
Oshun24My new favoriteI just discovered this podcast and I laugh my way to work everyday. The interview with Tom Hanks is my favorite
SamsterMarieYasss Queens Yasss!This podcast makes me laugh and smile every episode. Some of their guests are people I’ve heard and others are new to me that I want to start following! Their bestie relationship reminds me of me and my bestie and every time I can’t help but feel great. They empower women and give a platform to so many performers and comedians that 100% deserve it!!!!
ARstarReaderThe best podcast out thereThis is the podcast that began it all for me. You will love this podcast no matter who you are. I cannot recommend enough. If you don’t like it, go to therapy. If you’re in therapy, bring it up with your therapist immediately. One of a kind.
PosnieBizIntelEven Better Than That!They’re hilarious and even kind while still being critical and did I say hilarious?
aemmaleeSooo freakin good...Smart, on point and accessible
ArtzebacowWishingFor more podcasts from these two funny humans!!! I will take what they give and enjoy, my favorite is the Michelle Obama podcast .
Penelope9059ObessesLit-trelly LOVE these two. They get me through my days and I could listen/watch them forever.
Leelee500Sad its over :(I got on the band wagon a bit late but I love this show. Its funny, I get to hear/check new comedians and I learn something new about people. This was an amazing show and I’m glad they created it and kept it going for as long as they did. I hope the both continue to create amazing things. Forever a huge fan
ChrissyMalimaTwo dope queensThese girls are hilarious!!😃❤️😘
MissOverTheMoonGIRLS! Where You At?!?!?I LOVE this podcast but don’t tell me you’re all done.
yesmimiLove this podcast!I love Phoebe and Jessica, and they do a great job with the guest lineups. I’m often laughing out loud at work and embarrassing myself. Thanks y’all!
ANTI-STYLISTIM READYFound these girls on a Forbes list and saw that Jessica Williams is one of the host (clearly I’m not that great of a fan) so I had to check it out and absolutely enjoyed the episode with Michelle Obama. Ive only listened to one episode and already committed to this journey of growing with these two ladies. 2 comedians that are WOC and culturally relevant. Sign me up! ❤️
Mr. The FameThank you!Ladies! Sisters! Thank you! I’d appreciate how you ladies bring reality to my life at home, and at work. Also how you bring comedians from different backgrounds to light. Honestly seriously like the modern sex and the city version! Why? Because the comedians talk about relatable situations from walking down broadway being cat-called to actually life the couples life! Thank you once again! Love y’all and the comedians! Laughs all the way!! ❤️❤️🖤❤️❤️💋
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