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Confirm@holaNot enough stars to rate thisI absolutely loved this and would recommend this to anyone who loves history as much as I do. Rachel Maddow does an excellent job explaining everything.
MarMeFUcbsFascinatingI lived through it; but didn’t know this then. Thanks for taking me to school. Is this going to be turned into a film ? I hope so.
0 NicknmameGreat material and researchGood stuff, but over-produced. The information presented here is very valuable for American citizens to know but the delivery gets dragged out. We could get the same amount of information in a shorter timeframe with less repetition. We all have only so much time in the day to devote to these podcasts. There’s a pattern here - refer to the Ultra series.
SuisanvdvLearned so much!!Why wasn’t any of this in my school history curriculum? Fascinating!!
evelina223Can’t wait for her next podcastI have learned so much between Ultra and this one! My goodness, Rachel is one of the best journalists of this generation and possibly past ones. I look forward to learning more about our govt and how we may repeat it if we r not careful. Love her
TextdghSmart LiarTo call Maddow a nattering nabob of negativism would be the highest of compliments.
LDEadyExcellentI never studied this time period in high school or college and as an Elementary Ed teacher we always got to WWII but never beyond… such important history! As an adult I’ve loved learning, reading, and listening to history. This podcast along with Déjà News and Ultra are so well done. This was remarkable to have the original attorneys. Thoroughly enjoyed, can’t wait for more!!
The Empire DivaAn illustration of history repeating itself.This podcast would be a great enhancement when necessary civics class are returned to public school curriculums in American schools. In the meantime, I highly recommend this series to homeschooling parents who teach government and civic engagement to their adolescent children.
fffffffffffffffffgggggggddddddNew listenerI just started listening to this podcast and I love it!!!
skytreelakeSuperb work. Bagman nails it!This deserves a Pulitzer. What a great investigation & presentation.
Tom CassettaA+ Content, Too Repetitive, Terrible MusicThe content is amazing, and having listened to Ultra already, it appears the team has learned their lessons, but the repetition borders on padding for time, the music is like the Bowfinger theme and rings entirely inappropriate for the weight of what’s at stake, and the ads drop in without warning, causing the pace of the storytelling to be disrupted. Also, the negative 1-star reviews is lovely meta comedy, and they have no idea they’re in on it.
Chris_McLeanLove it!Rachel Maddow’s theme of historical analysis and comparative news is incredible. Taking a look into the past to help understand our present has boded well for her and for us as a people. Between this show, Ultra, and Déjà News- Rachel empowers us to have a perspective of events unfolding in our current political turmoil in order to understand how to navigate these time. Amazing journalism. Wonderful story-telling. An incredible host. Give Rachel Maddow presents: Bag Man a listen today!
All 4 truthFive starsKeep up the good work. This for me is like a great history lesson are country would be great if are history was taught in school but until we learn are past we can’t have a great future. As we know man’s thirst for power is the downside of us ever making progress. PS keep up the good work.
The Double RLove her ReportingRachel is fabulous. Always factual and well researched. Love her show and all of her podcasts. Always historical and worthy of our remembrance. History repeats itself and Rachel is awesome at making those connections. Will keep Listening to all of her material
swagrrrrOne of the best Political Theorists of our age!Rachel seems to only make claims she can immediately back-up with copious recordings, news articles, and historical account from WITNESSES. I’ve always been a Maddow-follower, but in the day and age of ultimate fact-denial, it’s refreshing to know there are people still looking-out!
itslisaRachael Maddow RocksOne of the best journalists of our generation!! My mind is continually blown away at her wisdom and endless curiosity! I’ve learned so much about recent political history from her tireless work & commitment! Thank you So Much Rachael! Keep marching and sharing your stories! We will follow 😍
airzmom🟠 PlaybookNow we see where Donny got his playbook Amazing journalism here
Baine VFLShocking, sobering, brilliant…Are the 1st words that came to mind as started the review. Maddow has proven herself to be one of the finest journalists of my generation many times over. Her innate ability to uncover incredible stories seemingly lost to history is truly phenomenal. What demonstrates her brilliance, in contrast to her many of her peers, is the way she so elegantly explicates its relevance to current affairs.
HP651The Enlightenment!Rachel, thank you so much for the work that you do so well!
Where are the grown-ups?Wonderful job but I’ve got a Question!Masterful job. But I have a question that I don’t think was addressed: did Agnew know why they offered him a deal? Did he know Richardson was motivated solely by the strong likelihood Nixon would be removed from office and he wanted to make certain he wouldn’t be succeeded by another crook and back-to-back impeachments?
steve vanwagonerBagmanLoved Bagman and everything you do. I watched you every night on MSNBC then every Monday—you are a force. I’m going to make me a Rachel Maddow sweatshirt.
Linda MazerBagmannot fair - I could not stop listening to her podcast as it was so fascinating - Such a great history student and story teller.
Sergei Nitpickire BagmanListening to the actual voices of all the protagonists, hearing - and feeling - the intensity still resonating in the hearts and minds of that ‘bold band of young attorneys’ is great radio and fine history. I was aware of Agnes’s disgrace, but not of the depth of machinations powered up to deny justice. Greed, ambition, uses of power, the exchange of favors, trying to script one’s place in history— as Agnew said just before he confessed to his attorney, “it’s been going on for a thousand years”. And to this day. Fabulous podcast, great pacing, steady series of revelations to keep one hooked! Hoping there will be more to come.
98777453Super smart as always.These podcasts from RM are amazing.
BirdGMomBagmanExcellent recount of an historic event. I grew up in Baltimore and didn’t know all the details. It’s so disappointing that there are so many crooked politicians in this country.
keemdigBagmanHello Rachel! I can’t express how delighted I felt listening to a very consequential dive our history that little is known about. You are blessing to this country. Thank you!
Westsider95Amazing ResearchShow me another podcast that has uncovered heretofore unknown-to-history felony crimes by TWO former [Republican] presidents/to-be.
petunia podsEveryone needs to hear this.Listen and learn.
gerryjimI lived through this, but now I understand it thanksWell done!
Nyota Uhura 65Reminder of Why Good Reporting MattersSpiritual Agnew’s crimes are almost forgotten in the wake of Watergate. This reminds us of why it is helpful to remember our past.
GraceOMWhere were the women?That night before Agnew’s resignation as the prosecutors were putting the statement of crimes together, someone was typing. Making carbon copies. Typing and typing, making changes, staying up all night too. I wonder who did that work.
Faithful ChickieSupplements History classAgnew was way worse than just a tax cheat.
TLHKayakerGood bit of history to see how we got where we are todayIn lots of ways Nixon-Agnew paved the way to today.
Bo5569#1You’re the best Rachel
Poodle 17Bag ManLoved both seasons! I’m a bit of a history buff. I was a teenager when this was happening with Agnew so of course I wasn’t paying much attention to politics. Please do another season!
feed them cakeSitting president can’t be indicted. Not!When trump said, that he could shoot someone and get away with it, everyone acts like, oh he is just just being melodramatic. What if a sitting President did commit murder, would we do nothing about it? If we would prosecute murder, then we should indict for other crimes as well.
TraceybethHard to listen toRachel can do better. This is horrible
Phil in KYYou’ve Done It Again RachelAfter listening to Ultra I went back and listed to Bagman and, even though I came of age during the 70’s, much of the details you uncovered once again were brand new. The future President involved in obstruction of justice, the current President threatening the VP! Wow! Just wow! Thank you for your efforts pulling this together!
IfonefelaJust wowI learned so much about this sad episode in our nation’s history
Sandi9mumVery InformativeI love Rachel and really would like her to run for a senate seat in Washington, DC. With someone like her in the senate would change things for the better. The American people need someone like her there. I can hope. I listen to her podcast while driving and it’s better than riding with a real person because Rachel is far more entertaining. Keep those stories coming pleasssse. Love them!
MGWillisThere will be some…There will be some who will never hear this story, nor read about it, and never learn how deeply critical the justice system is needed in times of great national threat. I would encourage anyone who has listen to The Rachel Maddow Show presentation here, share it with others, regardless of political affiliation, because in the file and analysis, we are all under the same flag as Americans. We collectively poet to the future, and as a way of honoring the past of those who serve the country so well, all that we have in the way of continuing this republic. Thanks to the entire team of R.M.
E.T 49BagmanEnjoying this History story by Rachel . Awesome presentation should be a must to listen in every History class . Also Ultra both podcast a big eye opener giving an inside about American Politics .5 star presentation !
abcrystcatsThe More I Learn …The more ignorant I realize that I am. Just got done listening to Ultra, which was amazing. Come over here to listen to Bag Man and you know what? I was a child in the 1960s. No reason on earth why I did not have the general outlines of this as my parents were enthusiastic supporters of Nixon. I DIDN’T know. I’m slapping myself on the back of the head. Another brilliant podcast from Maddow and a public service to educate us on our own history. HUGE thank you!!!
Samm-I-AmFantastic journalismTotally enjoyed this indepth very intelligent presentation about our political history!! I binged the episodes in just a couple days … :-)
MothankyouWOW….ULTRA is FABULOUS!!Rachel rocks! I’m not fond of listening to audio books but I’m very fond of alternative pop music from around the world. I listen to music constantly while working in our garage on projects. However, with that said I watch MSNBC at and especially when something is happening politically. So, watching the advertising of ULTRA I thought I would give it a try. Did I mention that I’m a 68 year old woman who lives in the Lauren Boenert district in Colorado. NO I did NOT vote for that crazy woman!!! Okay I digress, I love your Podcast. Instead of dancing down the street when walking my dog I listen with anticipation and eagerness. Thank you for offering an alternative to my music. (I also love Steve Kornackis Podcast . He’s such a great guy. My partner and I love him!). Keep up the great work. Cathy Stark
Hildagarde47Rachel ROCKS! There ought to be more stars for ratings.The effort put in, the depth delved into, and the top notch presentation are phenomenal. These are elements that belong in our history curriculum in order to prevent the generational amnesia that exists today. The same holds true for Ultra. I sorely miss my daily Rachel fix. No one can measure up to her excellence. She is truly a gift from God to us all! ~Sheila DeWitt
Erika PliskaAwesome!I love hearing Rachel’s voice. I could listen to this podcast again and again. Awesome!
2MoonAliceRachel’s story tellingStellar. And I never knew this side of the story. Thank you so much.
BrisnJordanUltra is GREAT!Listening to this Podcast reminds me how brilliantly Rachel tells a story. Her voice cuts through a lot of other noise and requires your full attention when listening. It’s clear that what Rachel says is important and we are all the beneficiaries of her insight. Thank you!
fbcoach7History Comes Alive!Outstanding program. So thankful our nation had men of integrity to counterbalance the corrupt men in power at the time! Excellent investigation and presentation.
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