The Michael Knowles Show

All Genres #198News #26News Commentary #7

Bask in the simple joys of being right. The Michael Knowles Show cuts through the madness of our politics and culture, analyzing the top stories of the day. Monday through Friday. If you like The Michael Knowles Show, become a Daily Wire member TODAY with promo code: KNOWLES and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 25% off at

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  • Icepanther4538
    I have great respect for a man like Michael that isn’t afraid to state true factual evidence. Even if it causes backlash from the left
  • Big Sincho
    Jayapal’s lower caste
    Great show Mike!
  • Small Time Dude
    “Five Things” Causing Much “Ado”!
    Let’s say, you’re composing a job application, Your attributes, maybe, exceeding your imagination.😎 Successful accomplishments, improving this situation, You’re hired, removing any doubtful speculation! Time passes, quietly, on the payroll, for years, A DOGE email arrives, creating outspoken jeers! Five things I’ve accomplished? I’ve gotta switch gears! I’m still thinking, trying to avoid smears! The audacity! They shouldn’t ask! Those DOGE Dudes, are trying to be brash! Five things! Such an unreasonable task! I’m still thinking, fearing, our “Utopia” won’t last!
  • Shmuel Phæliel
    Brett Cooper
    What happened to Brett? That poor girl
  • Marie's Guy
    Love this Guy
    Michael Knowles is just a great young man and has a wonderful sense of humor. He’s a perfect role model.
  • Luna.B.🐱
    Not interested!
    Not interested in a former only fans adult content creator. Please quit giving her a platform. I listen for your take on politics and that’s it.
  • Michael Absher
    Nala Ray
    Love the show, but the interview with Nala Ray seemed a bit contradictory. Early in the interview, she said that she raised the subscription cost of her “special site” (I’m not saying it’s name on purpose) to $50 but then later in the show, she said that it was $0. Honestly, it could mean absolutely nothing and she just misspoke. If she truly turned her life over to Christ and God that’s awesome. The atonement is an amazing thing that not only cleanses us from sin but removes our desire to sin and heals our hearts! Wish her the best of luck even though I never knew this person existed until this episode🤣.
  • MQDean
    Appreciating your show … but
    … please stop degrading lesbians! It is undermine your message and is gross. What do you care about who someone loves. Many conservatives love lesbian family members. You are stepping right into the liberal narrative. Please stop. It feels like a stupid cheap shot. Get smarter!
  • Tuddybets
    Amazing show
    Mr Knowles is very intuitive with a very elegant vocabulary!
  • God created the universe
    Great show
    However, evangelical Christian’s are not all of the Protestant group. Love the show.
  • Mar08-25
    Great Show
    The Michael Knowles Show brings every possibility of any situation. It a good mix of humor and intelligence. However. There is one set back. Once a week, he offers a chance for viewers to ask a question and send it in. These questions can be good but sometimes it just requires some thought by the sender. Sometimes people treat Michael as a spiritual directer instead of going to a priest. Also, it’s not 100% family friendly. For those with kids, I would review the episode before listening with everyone. Still, it’s close to being 100%.
  • trackcleat
    Love the Scrooge action.
  • FlaMichele
    Skewed Views
    The host has vastly skewed views toward one side and doesn’t examine all information and data.
    Thanks for your brief, but important and pertinent, commentary on January 1st! God bless you, and yours, Michael in 2025!
  • Kellia_Kaen
    great show!!
    five stars, four words: make America great again!!
  • Savagette
    I’m taking back my five star review
    I will never forgive you for telling us about those kittens now how am I gonna sleep?🤬
  • KongKarls
    Stop talking about Joy Reid
    She’s not a thing anymore
  • 8wodle
    It gets my approval
    Four words: Make America Great Again!!!!!!
  • Dmd337
    Trans Attorney
    Naw, I cannot and will not refer to a person who is so obviously female “Mr. Strangio”.
  • BulletproofTruth
    Hard pass.
    Knowles is a morally elitist little twerp that sits on his high horse with his little cigar like he knows something. You sir, are the type conservative that drives people away from conservatism.
  • cindy blair
    Lots of rambling and conspiracy theories without evidence to back it up. I appreciate that he quotes philosophers and think that’s very interesting, but there is no information supporting claims he makes. Just a whole lot of buzzwords so he can make money
  • HCNewell23
    4 stars, because I like you, and because you have many good and helpful things to share. However, your misrepresentation of evangelicals’ understanding of justification by faith alone, along with your fellow Catholic friend toward the end of today’s episode (11/8/24), was very disappointing. As a follower of Christ and firm believer in the doctrines of grace put forth in holy Scripture, I can stand with you on moral issues such as abortion and gender distinctions, but I absolutely cannot sing kumbaya with you or your friend around the proverbial campfire. On that one issue which the lynch pin of the Protestant reformation, we couldn’t be far enough apart. Once you conflate justification and sanctification, you undermine the gospel and essentially render the cross of Christ of no effect, by making man the final determiner of his own salvation, by his success or failure in “cooperating with grace.” Thus, grace is no longer amazing, but rather, a bank account in heaven that I need to access in order to continue in a state of justification. Shame on you both. You aren’t cancelled, friend, but understand that the reformation was a battle over the the gospel- what it means for a sinner to be justified, and consequently sanctified as that justified sinner walks with the Lord. You should know your audience, among whom are very grateful followers of Jesus who don’t go to mass, or quote Thomas Aquinas, or hold Scripture and church tradition as equal authorities. P.S. I don’t normally rate and review podcasts, even my favorite ones that I follow, of which yours is one. But this issue struck a nerve.
  • marciarobbins
    Down Memory Lane
    Of course, I know all of this, but when you (so aptly) put it all together, it is truly stunning and absolutely incredible that they have gotten away with so much. It is absolutely apparent that they WANT to destroy America. It’s shocking.
  • 174?$/)(37;5;2!
    That’s not how you say it
    It’s daf yomuh!!!!! Not daf yomiee. Also Jews are just as persecuted
  • 0possum94
    Love this show
    One of a few show I listen to almost daily.
  • TheBiggestTuna
    I don’t subscribe, but listing occasionally;
    … and I cannot stand Michael’s smugness. He’ll sight a biblical reference then laugh as though he’s done some research and his argument is made. He was anti-religious at one point, but that matter not now, his argument is made and that’s his new opponion today so of course it’s right. His fans are worse. The people that audio-in to his mailbag for advise are so pitiful. Michael acts like he’s an alpha and then just head strokes a bunch of the biggest beta males ever known to man.
  • MREGoose93
    My Review
    Is Cool 5 Stars
  • Laurie817
    Great show
    Great show. Love listening
  • OldBeatleFan
    Are you to make a movie?
    Or just cigars? Step it up man!
  • Jenfc7777777
    Ughhh Ads!!!
    Love Michael Knowles!! The adds though ughhh!!! All through out the show every few minutes is so disruptive. Why not make them closer together if you’re going to have so many?
  • Ggski202
    A king
  • uubvjk
    It’s good
    I listen to this podcast every single day. The best podcast out there Micheal is the best of the daily wire crew. I am a libertarian and a Protestant but our views very much align, this guy knows what he’s talking about, very smart man. Very much suggest this podcast for moderates, libertarians, and right wings listeners. Left wing listeners will be too stubborn to enjoy this masterpiece of a podcast. Keep doing what your doing Micheal.
  • Halfling Rouge
    Extremely Inciteful
    A man wise well beyond his years, Michael gives insightful takes on politics, religion, and human nature while keeping it interesting.
  • Ken Dahl
    Nice Catholic Man
    Nice man, he is. Cigar smoker, too. Who’s better than that?
  • bryantjgrey
    Michael is a sigma
    He’s a sigma if I’ve ever seen one
  • pap121319
    What is a man?
    Several years ago my son was diagnosed with XYY syndrome. My ex-husband and I spent over 2 hours being educated in genetics. At the end the geneticist asked my the child’s father to take a blood test. He agreed and then asked if I was going to be tested for extra Y chromosome as well. The geneticist looked at him like he was from another planet and then responded, “if she has a Y chromosome she is not a woman. Only males have Y chromosomes.” The left is found of stating settled science. This is very settled science.
  • Political Pastor’s Kid
    Great Intro Music
    Love the show as always but I must say the cherry on top of the great information and insight is the fabulous intro music! I want/need it as my ringtone. Always puts me in a great mood for a great listen!
  • bostonben617
    Great Work!
    looking forward to listening more. keep it up! and thank you.
  • PenName69
    Trump Assassination Report
    Michael Knowles live reporting during the Trump assassination attempt was better than anything else happening in the media. It was masterful and I hope they give him the opportunity to report on live breaking news events again.
  • Hopeful🦋
    Assassination attempt on Trump
    There is photo showing a hole in Trump's coat in the front. Vest?🤷‍♀️ Also, Trump dropped on his own. SS picked him up. He wanted his shoes before leaving. The SS was a stumbling joke.
  • DopeMan024
    Just great.
    Humorous, intelligent with a soothing voice. Love Mike and his political hot takes!
  • The_T_K
    Ben shipiro
    No!!!! Never again. Why. He’s voice is grating on everyone. Maybe a smart or nice guy. Not a radio voice. Stop
  • Elijah Daniel St. Peter
    Michael is so majestic
    he’s amazing and majestic what can i say
  • E dela Motte 2006
    Love it!
  • RacetoRetire
    Nikki Haley really😟?
    Every time you endorse Nikki Haley I cringe. She is the mos power-hungry, unprincipled, back-stabbing, finger in the wind creep. No, no, no! Love your show. Great job. Congrats on new baby boy.
  • eLow8
    Congrats from Boston on your new bundle of joy, Michael! My boy, Jake, just turned 20 yesterday, June, 18…. A great day to be born! Wishing you and yours all the best! Elaine Low
  • Relaxed Helipad
    Logical and Reasonable
    Michael does an excellent job commenting on the current news while thoughtfully and thoroughly examining future ramifications of people’s behavior. You can tell he is well versed in a variety of subjects, for a Yale alum. I especially enjoy his knowledge regarding the Catholic religion. From the teachings of early church fathers to his analysis on the ever so vague “Papa Francisco”, his insights are always very thought provoking. Cannot recommend this show enough, it needs to be in everyone’s daily routine.
  • Balladman1
    Defending Pope Francis
    Enjoyed listening to your show until you stood up in defense of Pope Francis and his flawed heretical position on original sin. His statement that all people are basically good is influenced by the liberation theology he ascribes to. He was wrong and you tried to explain it away. That was wrong, because it leads people into heresies. If people are genuinely good then why do we need a Savior or even a Church for that matter. You should have called him out rather than make believe he meant something different than what he said. He said it out loud and you chose not to hear him. He is incorrect and you failed to change what he said, because he said it.
  • Bryant/678
    Michael is the most suave sigma male I have ever seen
  • Neatos review
    Y’all are awesome!
    Y’all are awesome!
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