
Politics #212

The Libertarian podcast features a weekly conversation with Hoover senior fellow Richard Epstein on the issues of the day.

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Recent Reviews
  • Evan Stevoid
    Trump appointments
    Stop being such a hypocrite and neocon
  • dvenardos
    Paul Krugman of free market economics
    If you just want to reinforce what you already believe then okay, but basically everyone else is ignorant.
  • John520
    He’s a Zionist traitor to America and the cause of freedom.
  • libertarian John
    In the world going observably insane, Richard Epstein is an amazing voice of reason. He has a gift for cutting through the emotion and turmoil and viewing the fundamental elements at play in almost every situation. If you’re looking for a calming voice of rational thought and clear-eyed observation, you have found it on this podcast.
  • Zoomieu93
    Getting worse
    Sad Great legal mind spends all of 3 minutes discussing the latest Trump indictment. Before we get to hear all about how the good professor expressed publicly his desire for Trump to step down shortly after inauguration. Yes Richard we’ve heard this from you over and over again. What I wanted was legal analysis. Sadly having heard none I will have to stick with the solid 45 minutes of analysis that I heard from Ben Shapiro on the Daily Wire today.
  • Pat Midd
    Epstein rules
    Professor Epstein was one of my favorites at Chicago law school. Great legal mind and with such a fantastic sense of humor. Keep going Professor!
  • Silverwing Flyer
    still great!
    Dr. Epstein is spot on when it comes to his views on taxation.
  • S.Bustamante
    Epstein is so brilliant...except when he discusses the President. Then, he sounds like my demented grandmother.
  • r0gue007
    Richard really dislikes the Obamas
    I’m sorry, listening to Richard rant about his failure to stop the Obama presidential building in Chicago isn’t libertarian, it’s partisan. Stick to issues of Liberty, like the pod says.
  • Terrance Hall
    There should always be a Libertarian in the room.
    Dear podcast listeners, I started listening to Richard Epstein long ago when around the first time I started to self identify myself as a “Libertarian”. I was seeking an analysis devoid of emotional appeals and more of an erudite discussion from a Libertarian point of view. I have not found an equal when it comes to Mr. Epstein’s ability to precisely and methodically pick apart left-leaning assertions that flood the zone in the political coverage landscape. I am left of him politically. I find myself unconvinced by most arguments presented from the left or right. If I feel like my identify is married more toward a left leaning argument I come here for a stress test. There have been multiple times where I finish the podcast, AT BEST, unsure about the soundness of my position. For example this latest podcast concerning how likely it would be for Trump to be found guilty if indicted on January 6th coup attempt shenanigans. I said all that to say, before you become wedded to a particular political idea, hear one of these conversations out. I value attempting to be informed citizen so this is immensely helpful. A critique for the Hoover Institution, Mr. Epstein is so immersed in legal verbiage and law history that it makes it difficult to follow a lot of his points. I’ve found myself at times rewinding 30 second clips only to still feel lost. It’s obviously my responsibility to read up on the things that seem foreign to me but I also think more could be done from the interviewer or Mr. Epstein himself to cater to those of the libertarian 201 class audience. There’s a gulf between you and say David French when it comes to speaking about legal matters from a right word bent. His is more digestible. A compliment to Mr. Epstein, You remind me of my first chemistry professor who was also the most rigorous professor I have ever had, Professor Winters. First day of class he introduced himself and instead of going through the syllabus, he began to go straight into his lecture asked us to open our books, to Chapter three! Filibuster over, Terrance Hall
  • free market maniac
    Richard Epstein Is So Interesting
    I’ve been a fan of Richard Epstein for many years. This podcast offers great insight into current political events from a libertarian perspective. How can constitutional liberty ever be controversial?
  • Ansuz07
    Drop in quality is disappointing.
    I have historically been a big fan of this podcast. While I didn’t always agree with Prof. Epstein on every topic, I found his arguments to be well reasoned and substantive enough to spark real debate and insight. Sadly, the quality of his analysis has dropped significantly over the last several years and now seems to be nakedly partisan. He openly praises conservative politicians for authoritarian policy and chastises liberal politicians for squarely libertarian actions. He talks down policies that he should support given his self-applied label of ‘libertarian’ - individual liberties, voting rights, free association - and can’t bring himself to say even a positive thing about a single democratic politician. It really is a shame - while Epstein always leaned more conservative, he used to be a breath of fresh air among conservative voices. Now, he is just another partisan hack spouting the party line. I miss his old rhetoric and wish he would turn his critical eye inward to his own biases.
  • Zanercorp
    Richard Epstein is Great
    Just found this show and am so glad I did. Appreciate the discussion and just love The Libertarian’s insight and commentary.
  • JRaiman
    Lively discussion
    A refreshing take on the economy
  • Nesorneb
    Liberty & Current Events
    Excellent intelligent discussion on libertarian perspectives on cultural, political & otherwise current events.
    Clear analysis
    Richard Epstein speaks in paragraphs, rather than sentences. But, ah, such paragraphs! His analysis is grounded in understanding and adherence to law and Constitution, as well as understanding of the full consequences of hastily adopted policies. Highly recommended.
  • Ajaxxe
    This is on my must-listen list
    Just listened to the latest episode that broke down the Biden tax hikes and this is now on my must-listen list. As a Classical Liberal, I appreciate Professor Epstein’s insights and experience behind his cogent analysis.
  • nar20
    How on earth can Richard call himself a libertarian while advocating for staying in Afghanistan forever? Nation building failed miserably, and no amount of time would change that. There is no libertarian defense of the appalling waste of money and lives that is the War on Terror. The Taliban offered to hand over bin Laden, and Bush declined that offer to instead send American troops into a civil war in which we had no right to be involved. Sorry, Richard, but you’ve lost the plot on this one.
  • 333710
    Episode 659
    Thanks Some clear thinking and questioning on the hyperbolic climate change rantings
  • Texas WEEI Fan
    Thank you
    Richard is wonderful. Thank you
  • Reldimesq
    North Star
    Richard Epstein is like my North Star for figuring out where the right alignment is on issues. I don’t always align the same as the Professor but he crystallizes things for me to form a judgment. PS - not quite sure about the change in intro music. Too lugubrious and slow. Why change it at all given that the show is the same?
  • NCR Veteran Ranger
    Fantastic podcast! Very informative!
    EDIT: go back to the old intro music! Richard Epstein is one bright classical liberal (though not quite libertarian). Definitely worth the listen, regardless of your political philosophy.
  • AI convos are fun
    I used to enjoy this podcast
    Until the main speaker showed himself to be another deranged never Trumper.
  • RPromm
    Volume is too low
    If anyone is reading the comments, please record at a higher volume. This is the only one of my podcasts that I have to crank up the volume
  • mayor deblasio
    Well worth the listen
    Enjoyed his analysis.
  • JimjimiKarbon
    Good enough to keep listening every week
    You know, with whole these leftist medias, It’s good to find a Libertarian podcast, speaking about freedom. Love you Richard!
  • Dave Arneson
    Sad to see Richard go full TDS
    Biden is a much bigger threat to the Republican than Trump. I think he actually knows this, but he’s scared off his and his family’s future. Understandable but sad
  • lortedliv
    Not worth your time
    A ’tow the line’ republican that might as well be a liberal. Don't waste your time.
  • Sylvestrixxx
    Freaking Amazing
    No need to pay $10,000 per credit hour. Great for news junkies looking for relevance of current developments to the long term backstory of American government, public policy and administration. So accessible, yet sophisticated, and enjoyable to listen to, while still challenging — some times I have to stop to replay or look up something, but that’s part of the fun. Plus it’s a nice digestible length. I just discovered podcasts if you can believe it and so far this one is top of my can’t-miss list.
  • SanjeevPert
    The best
    Title says it all
  • easterbunnyclan
    Listen every week!
    I listen to most of the Hoover Institute podcasts, but The Libertarian & Econ Talk pods are my favorites. Smart, thoughtful and sometimes funny....these podcast are quick distillations of and thoughtful commentary on current events and complex issues. Keep them coming!
  • 367;368!?ffjtdcbihvbooh
    I never miss an episode!
    In fact, I find myself listening again and again to many of the episodes.
  • JanMichaud
    Marveling at every podacast
    As a Libertarian thinker I admire Richard Epstein’s command of Libertarian thought and American law. Over the years I feel I know him personally as a student knows an admired teacher. This podcast and his writings are a wealth of information and challenges. He is a blessing in my life helping me to construct my opinions with his gifts of words, prose and ideas. Than you professor.
  • DC from St Louis
    Strong opinions with zero facts to support them. Classic libertarian garbage. What a joke.
  • Rogerfromri
    Worth 5 stars every time
    Fasten your seatbelt.
  • FH..
    Privileged eyes “Trayvon Martin was in fact trying to kill George Zimmerman...”
    Lacks the necessary conviction when considering discrimination and systemic racism. The crime and punishment episode where mass incarceration was discussed unfortunately displayed such a stance were in his belief that statistics when controlled prove no bias. Episode 610. Starting at 24:45 Richard says “...all the evidence suggested that Trayvon Martin was in fact trying to kill George Zimmerman...” “Justified Homicide” w.r.t. Michael Brown’s murder at the hands of a police officer. Shame on the Hoover Institution for supporting this masked bigotry. Same with Victor Davis Hanson.
  • Tracey12345678
    If you are looking for a Libertarian viewpoint go somewhere else
    Dr Epstein is a Law and Order Republican who only cares about maintaining the status quo. I spent a whole season listening to him, but he never said anything insightful or new.
  • dennis.karpf
    Dennis Karpf
    Encyclopedic legal mind combined with articulate, broad public policy and incisive small government, but fair recommendations.
  • kimon13
    A guiding light
    Who could be as learned as the Professor on he law? In this age of growing administrative state power, leading lawyers must fight that power in the language of law. The Professor is without peer in that regard. Hopefully we can find political leaders who can speak to voters in the language of the common man and warn them of the gathering danger to our liberties.
  • Nick DeBenedetto
    Richard the Great!
    Professor Epstein belongs on the Mount Rushmore of law professors. I am constantly amazed by the depth of his knowledge in a tremendous variety of subjects, and he has inspired a deep desire for more knowledge for myself! I had my eyes on a course in Roman Law for this semester of law school due entirely to Professor Epstein’s influence. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to work with the rest of my schedule and am quite disappointed about that. The Libertarian Podcast will gave to scratch the Roman Law itch for now!
  • JTK Awesome
    Epstein hearing himself talk
    I am a card-carrying Libertarian, and I can’t stay awake through even one episode.
  • PodMan2286
    You will love it if you love Fox News
    Was looking for a pod from a mature, even-keeled conservative voice. Unfortunately this is mainly your typical fox talking points/banter.
  • OneCitizenCan
    Epstein oozes common sense; owns a deep absorption of knowledge beyond his brilliance in law, economics and American political history; is succinct and pointed; brings brevity without compromising the listeners’ understanding of the topic AND he makes you want to develop your curiosity and your powers of reasoning. The pace is swift and the questions asked by Troy Senik are excellent! The episodes are perfect in length...leaving you wanting more! Superb and should be shared!!!
  • Tyris
    Consistent Fantastic analysis!
    Richard is an amazing speaker and intelligent mind who is able to deliver objective factual historical analysis of political and legal situations in a calm and clear manner. I feel smarter every time I listen and consistently refer to his podcasts for guidance and his view of current events to guide how topics ought to be received. I wish more analysis was done like this in mainstream media.
  • Dt1431
    Interesting, but partisan
    I consider myself a libertarian and appreciate that most of us lean Republican. That being said, this podcast is clearly not evenhanded. Professor Epstein has a bad habit of invoking libertarian principles to make political arguments while at the same time claiming he’s not partisan. Still interesting and thoughtful, just wish Richard was more self aware of his biases.
  • Dianethefarmer
    Most information you get on current events is so biased and politically manipulative in nature; this podcast is so clear and informative. So refreshing!
  • James Patrick Schmidt
    Echoes of conspiracy
    Came on a friend’s recommendation for an alternative viewpoint. Instead of intelligent conversation, I found conspiratorial hogwash. Could be the episodes I checked, but this show had echo chamber written all over it.
  • HughsRonin
    If only...
    Agree or disagree with free markets, blasé fair capitalism - if you want to know more about current and meaningful economic issues from a Libertarian perspective; look no further than this Pod Cast. If only people would listen to these resources, we might have meaningful discussions about capitalism, rather than politicized yelling matches full of regurgitated demagoguery.
  • Publius Quintus
    Tour de Force
    I have been a fan of a Mr Epstein for several years and his discussions on a range of interests is very much appreciated. It is quite an accomplishment. I typically listen to podcasts at 1 1/2 so I can get through them faster, but might be the only podcast where I cannot do that, it’s just too fast, and the concepts fly at lightning speed. By far the highlight is Mr Epstein’s near encyclopedic knowledge of law and applied policy. I would prefer a bit less bluster but nevertheless an interesting, intellectual, and entertaining tour de force!!
  • Bscram
    Bryan Barrett
    One of my absolute favorite podcast. Besides the other one Richard Epstein does with John Yu which might even be better. He’s The Godfather of rational educated legal discourse with a commitment to freedom and choice for the individual and strength of the nation, which is why he tends to label and style himself the Libertarian. Bravo gentlemen.
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