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paydro*Thank you so muchWith the exception of that tool from New York that eventually ran away from his students and our city - everyone involved in this program has provided some outstanding narratives. My wife and I grew up in different cities and actually met at A&M (go ahead, laugh) but it didn’t take long for us to declare Austin as our forever home. Literally. We bought a house and everything. I’ll never get tired of learning new things about our city. Thank you so much for this podcast, and keep up the great work!!
HoodedfantasiaI like to learnThank you for teaching things about the city that I would never have known... still looking for this “cemetery” seeing as how I drive 183 every day. Also why do drivers here refuse to use there blinkers and constantly swerve out of there lane... it’s so terrifying. I drive a lot for work and sometime I have to swerve because I don’t know what they are doing....what is going on?
E. B. SouthGreat inside view of local storiesAs a new Austinite, this show is helping me cross off the several questions I've had about this pretty idiosyncratic town.
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