Middle Children


Jessie Jolles and Chris Burns aka Fat Carrie Bradshaw didn’t ask to be born as middle children, who would? Born into a life of being desperate for attention, the dynamic duo known mostly for developing a sense of humor as a defense mechanism brings you a show about their favorite thing, themselves. Talking through their endless embarrassing stories, the many famous middle children of the world, and interviewing guests from the oldest of the family, the youngest of the family and everything in between Middle Children is a show for all and there’s only one condition; Jessie and Chris are the stars.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sahoffm1
    I just found this podcast and now I can’t tell if you’ll be back 😢 Please give us more laughs in 2025 so we don’t have withdrawals
  • ErinErikson
    Waiting for the 2025 Kickoff!
    Hoping for lots of Hallmarks this year!! 🧡🧡🧡
  • juliesavoia45
    lol warlocks and witches
    Am I your biggest fan? Lol driving in my car that story was lit and also let’s pretend it was big budget so no commercial breaks 🤷‍♀️
  • savemymusic
    Such a good listen!
    Love their dynamic, their banter and their authenticity! I especially enjoy hearing about what’s going on in their lives, but the Hallmarks are fun too 🩷
  • Mesha Graham
    Look forward to this pod every Monday!
  • Stacey MKD
    Love this podcast!
    I love the dry sense of humor of Jessie and Chris. I prefer when they skip doing a Hallmark bc I just want to hear them talk.
  • allie002
    I never miss an episode. Love the contrasting personalities and NYC life and dating updates. My only feedback would be that the hallmarks can be too long, the real life stuff is much more fun!
  • AlesiaCS
    Never Missed an Ep
    Fellow middle child, here and listener since the very first episode. I just adore Jessie and Chris and love this podcast. I really like the addition of the producer, too. He chimes in an appropriate amount of times during an episode and the dynamic between everyone is very endearing and entertaining. QVC segment is a personal favorite but I also love when it’s an ep of them just talking about their lives. XoXo
  • Kellib2206
    I found my people
    I listen at work and find myself talking back out loud and laughing … it’s fine. But I found my people. This pod combined with WWC combined with PCP and you have yourself like the BEST day!! I found my people. How the heck did it take this long 😭🫶🏻
  • Kansas city dude
    Love love love!!!💕
    I love this podcast!! So funny, so lighthearted!! I’m going through a hard time in my life, and listening to these two giggle and do “QVC’s” and “Hallmarks” makes my day!! I’ve been going back and listening to old pods just to get more content!! Love you guys!!
  • EAB1318
    HGH LOVE this show!! Always has be giggling the entire hour. They have such great chemistry!
  • Hannah&BabyMave
    I want to hang out with Chris and Jessie!
    From a fellow middle child, I can say these two are a hoot! My favorite is when Jessie laughs so hard it turns into a wheeze… it cracks me up every time! I want to hang out with them!
  • olson.jessica
    These two are the best
    Jessie always makes me feel empowered and good about myself while making me laugh. Chris is the funniest person I’ve ever spent time listening to. His dry sense of humor and quick witty responses brings me so much laughter. Love these two!
  • everynicknameitrygetsdenied
    The best part of my week
    Not exaggerating when I say Mondays are my favorite day of the week because of this podcast. I love both of them so so much and the fact that I get the privilege to listen to them together seriously feels like such a privilege. I kinda wish I was being dramatic with this review, but I’m not. I just cannot get enough of this duo!!!! Sue me!!!!
  • theblissfulbrit
    HGH Middle Children!
    I may be an oldest but I LOVE the Middle Children Podcast! I look forward to my weekly dose of Jessie & Chris.
  • shlapplegate
    1:100 ratio
    For every one person that comments about disliking something there are at least 100 people who liked it and didn’t comment. Please don’t censor yourself on your own podcast, we love y’all just the way you are.
  • the Ginabean
    I’ve been dealing with some crappy workdays lately. Like, if I could get this ONE lady to see logic, literally all of my work problems would disappear. But I digress. I’ve recently rediscovered Middle Children & have been on a binge after work, while I’m doing laundry, making dinner, all the humdrum stuff of daily life, and let me tell you: listening to Chris & Jessie’s lives, and, most especially, their unhinged Hallmark Movies of the Week? Let’s just say that my work problems stay at work & my anxiety drops significantly. BRAVISSIMO!
  • Completely Fascinated
    simply the best!!
    HGH! the most dynamic duo around! thank for for this pod 🫶🏻
  • McKee1650
    Update: I have been listening since the beginning of the podcast and it is still hilarious. The best is when they just chat and tell stories about what is going on in their lives! Guaranteed laugh every episode! These two are absolutely hysterical and I cannot recommend this podcast enough. Jessie and Chris are iconic.
  • Mars54
    Can’t stop laughing
    These two are so funny together with the improv stories!
  • hgh420
    Love the dynamic!! Hilarious!!! Only feedback… and it hurts me to say it cause I know y’all love it; but less Hallmarks?!! 😬💋😬
  • Damp231465
    Ok hear me out
    Hallmark once a month. Make it special. Otherwise I just need the normal Jessie Chris Banter. Please. Not every week hallmark. I’ll skip hallmark weeks because I know you love them and we all have different flaves. 3/4 weeks I can survive.
  • KatieAf1223
    This is one of the podcasts I look forward too the most. Every week brings me so much happiness. I really feel like I am just listening to my friends talk and it’s always hilarious. If you bring back “embarrassing story of the week” I would die.
  • Louatx
    Trigger Warning - suicide jokes
    Despite the title, I do enjoy the podcast, however nearly every episode includes ‘jokes’ and flippant references to dying by suicide or killing oneself. It’s used for comedic effect only. It’s exhausting, unnecessary, and harmful for those struggling or people impacted by suicide and mental health issues. Either have an actual conversation about it or please stop making it a joke. (Also, hope you’re okay if this is something you’re actually struggling with.)
  • #NeverEnoughShoes
    They’re Just Great
    Hilarious podcast. Great synergy and such great talent.
  • hensolomon
    Dead wife’s song is Baby it’s Cold Outside
    Whistle Start Your Heart=best hallmark
  • Saritalynnita
    Love these two!
    Jessie and Chris are the best!! So funny and relatable!
  • allison-h
    Love those middles!
    Can’t get enough of Jesse and Chris! They are the best!
  • Zombiesfun
    Love, love, love!
    So funny and honest!
  • Lola Beth Bate
    Absolutely love
    I just recently discovered this podcast, and have been listening to them in order. Only on episode 49, and currently listening to you guys in a very crowded nail salon. I had to pause it because I couldn’t stop from laughing to your improv of a teen and grandma in a vintage store. Chris’s moose song had me DYING! The hallmark movies were my favorite part, but now I think the improv moments are stealing the spotlight. Just in love with two, and thank you for making my 45 minute drives to work feel too short.
  • Cal000913
    Love them
    My favorite duo! The only podcast i follow that i don’t listen to every week - why? Because i hoard the episodes for days that i want to laugh and love and feel pure joy. These are usually days im not feeling my best. But these two can lift me out of any dark spot. Not because they project anything fake. It’s because they find humor in life and they are real. I feel like these two are my friends!
  • Jamiealisonp
    The best!
    Love this podcast so much! They have such great rapport and are hilarious together! Have listened to every episode and wish there were more 🩷
  • Czastera
    I’m the oldest
    Comedic genius. You two are unreal. I belly laugh at the Hallmark movie of the week, the witches are my fav. Lol but all of it is amazing. I went back and listened to every episode and I should have spaced them out….savored them if you will. Cause now I have to wait for each new one. Unfortunately I am the oldest… but now I get to live everyday with the middles. Love you!!!!
  • Paulad1987
    So funny!
    Chris and Jessie are hilarious!
  • Alliejane99
    The best!
    Chris and Jessie bring me such happiness! Pulls me out of a funk every time ✨
  • E2E2E2Eeeeee
    Two Chotys
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ why aren’t y’all monetizing yet?! I’d buy what you sell us!!
  • emilkek
    Two of the best
    Their chemistry and their stories can’t be beat! Love these two!!
  • Ashleyinthebend
    Hey Biiiiiitttttccchhh Hey!
    Love it! Thank you for taking time to share your lives with us!!
  • Annasheri
    Hey girl hey
    Love you betches!
  • JackConn
    Podcast gold
    In love with these guys!
  • JALP29
    So funny, so good.
    These 2 are 🙌🏼🔥
  • almostatherapist
    Honest, unfiltered, hilarious!
  • Reviewking37
    First review of my life
    Well, thanks for everything - just before I fell asleep, you hilarious hypnotists made me wake up and watch BOTH the naughty and nice and spirit of Christmas. What a joy what a dream... please bombard hallmark with your storylines! I’m a middle, but the only girl... so-a little bargain shopping there. My husband was a middle but jumped right over his Irish twin brother’s head and is more of an oldest. We have 3, and our middle is our star too! And she’s the only one currently quarantining with us and we are soaking her up; lots of karaoke. Rock on sweet peas!
  • kla1012
    So good! These two are GOLD together!
  • mrs.smig
    Hey biiiiiitch! Chris and Jessie I love you!
  • Jmz614
    Love them together
  • Gabbysmomerica
    Love you two so dang much! Im a Taylor listener and had to follow and listen! Many giggles thank you!!!!
  • McCrea
    They are stars 🤩🤩🤩
  • Tacker81
    Just wanted to leave a positive review 🥰🥰 love ya both
  • Mama Donz
    Jessie& Chris are AMAZING🤩🤩🤩
    I am in love with these two… so so funny!! Listening to their show makes my heart happy!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
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