House of Broken Dreams: The Jennifer Kesse Story


***Fox News Investigates explores a new true crime story each season*** She had everything going for her: A good job, close friends, a loving family, a boyfriend and a brand new condo. Her family describes her as a strong, fun-loving, career-minded, and responsible young woman. So why did Jennifer Kesse seemingly vanish without a trace? On the morning of Tuesday, January 24, 2006, Jennifer Kesse failed to show up for work at Central Florida Investments, where she was a finance manager. Jennifer was known for her reliability, but on that winter morning 14 years ago, nobody heard from Jen. And that meant something was terribly wrong. In this podcast, hosted by crime reporter Cristina Corbin, she travels to Florida to uncover new leads, conduct exclusive interviews, and examine evidence in recently unsealed police records. Years later, the Jennifer Kesse case is anything but cold. In fact, the investigation, by some accounts, is only just beginning.

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Recent Reviews
  • Cheribee 🐝
    Jennifer kesse
    This series was outstanding, with a lot of information about this case. Inclusive of other reporting on the criminal element that surrounded that Condo complex. Her family’s input is very important to understanding where the local law enforcement lacked following leads or connecting incidents.
  • MysteryMom4
    PLEASE do another case!
    I was completely engulfed in the podcast. It was a comprehensive look at Jennifer’s disappearance and I felt like it was as informative as it possibly could be. (The host has a great voice & it was not irritating at all. I listen to a LOT of these type podcasts and some voices can be down right excruciating!) I really feel so much empathy for this family and I pray, as a parent, I’m never in their position. If I were I’d pray for the strength to fight as hard as this family has! I hope they eventually get the answers they’ve been in search of because it’s been WAY TOO LONG.
  • ReelFordGirl
    We Need More Like This….
    I hate to ever say I “love” an investigation podcast as the subject is beyond painful to hear. However this series was so masterfully built and delivered. The host has such a sweet and calming way of explaining details… and more than that… asking the pointed questions during interviews. This story has captured me… I hope one day there is resolution for her family. Thank you for delivering story to the masses and lighting a fire in our minds.
  • MalfisonAve
    Racist undertones
    I listen to murder podcasts religiously. First episode in and immediately the way the brother is speaking about the people who didn’t speak English is racist. So because someone doesn’t speak English they’re immediately shady. Yea okay… of course this would be bad it’s “Fox News” trash.
  • Zorahka
    Good host!
    I enjoy this host I would love to hear more from her too. Great voice and story telling !
  • Kitjsh
    So repetitive and slow
    I had to stop in the 2nd episode. It seems that no one edited this podcast. It’s extremely repetitive and slow moving. How many times do we need to hear about the fence posts and how lucky the killer was with the video shots and that this happened 14 years ago. I want to know more about this story, but not through this podcast.
  • gymnast 0911
    Only listened to 2 episodes so AMAZING AND AWESOME
  • HannaMurauyova
    Decent podcast
    I enjoyed, there are some information I wasn’t aware about. Thank you.
  • amandamlakin
    Great host
    I would definitely listen to more podcasts done by this host. The podcast was put together very well. I’m sad for the family and that there hasn’t been a better outcome. I would have liked to hear more about leads followed up by the family
  • Corgi_Queen
    Great podcast
    This was a great podcast covering the Jennifer Kesse case. It will interesting to hear interviews with the family and others involved with investigation in the case. I hope her family gets answers!
  • MadEarthStudio
    Great Investigative Reporting
    Sending prayers to her family for healing, and hopefully they find the answers they need. This is also a reminder that there needs to be better security at apartment complexes, possibly even laws written requiring such measures.
  • Makayla sterba
    3 episodes not even the right podcast
    I was interested but three of the episodes ended up being a different podcast. So I’m a little upset I didn’t get to hear it all. Fix this! Anyone else have this issue??
  • Tara246
    Wow… this could have been me!
    This story gives me déjà vu and it wouldn’t bother me that much but it also happened in Florida a few hours from Orlando…I moved into a complex that was being turned into condos and this guy starts staying in the apartment under me the people that live there were out of town apparently he was maintenance that work there and he was dating the girl that worked in the front office … I was being watched and circumstances of this made me leave almost immediately after he tried something… his so-called girlfriend was like hiding him in different apartments when people where gone and she never stayed in the apartments with him she worked the front office and he was maintenance and the story just gives me so many bad vibes about this other situation that just seems so similar…I swear he said he was from Orlando he was harassing me and weird part is I look eerily similar to Jennifer
  • Crystallion863
    One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to
    Aside from this case being interesting the podcast was awesome. (Great voices, great interviews) it was just put together perfectly. One of the best podcasts I’ve listen to yet.
  • MLynea
    Awesome podcast
    Great podcast! This case captivates so many people, and it’s insane to me that Jennifer is still a missing person. I really appreciate the interviews with Jennifer’s parents and brother. Also the Lake Fisher episode is very interesting. This is my second time listening to this podcast.
  • loucook221
    Story about a missing girls family
    Seriously couldn’t make it through episode 1. Her father and brother are very macho and making this case about themselves. Shame that the young lady missing. But please, tell me about what a big awesome man you are!
  • Dow4
    House of broken dreams
    This was the best informative podcast I have listened to in the last year.
  • SpaceeyJM
    Worth a listen
    I skipped past this podcast multiple times because I thought I knew most of the facts of the case. Boy was I wrong. There are lots of things on this podcast I had never heard before and I liked that the family is involved. It lends a lot of credibility to the podcast with Jennifer’s family participating. My heart goes out to the family. What a nightmare they are living. I believe this case is solvable purely due to the determination of Jennifer’s parents and brother.
  • bryan1001010101001
    Not great
    It’s fine to post a True Crime podcast, but to draw out 4-5 episodes interviewing friends and other pointless topics just doesn’t do well. It’s a case that isn’t solved. There are no real leads and hits a dead end. This isn’t a case that should of been made into a podcast. Don’t waste your time on this.
  • Funzombiez
    So heartbreaking
    Hose of Broken Dreams season 2 was so good. At the same time so heartbreaking. It really drew me in. I graduated high school in 2004 in PA and remember so clearly hearing about this case on the news. It was so scary, bc I was in college and I just felt like that could be me in a few years. Hearing this podcast brought it all back. I’m so sorry for the Kesse family. I hope there is some sort of closure. 💔
  • xoxososoluv
    Poor journalism
    This podcast is so poorly done. Extremely repetitive reporting throughout, all of episode five is asking one woman the same questions over and over. Cliche storytelling language used throughout.
  • fightingforjjustice
    Way to go
  • koryhud
    boring podcast that ultimately ends nowhere - 10 episodes trying to make something out of literally nothing - over and over and over -
  • Erik Fleming
    Get the story elsewhere.
    I feel for Jennifer’s parents but, this podcast is a joke. It’s clearly just footage gathered for a 10 minute segment that’s been stretched to the breaking point to try and fill an 11-part “series”. It’s an interesting case and a terrible story but, I highly recommend hearing about it else where.
  • gt98473
    Could not finish listening
    I found aspects of this podcast very offensive. Speaking about illegal immigrants and insinuating that they had a motive to commit this crime.
  • lionessden23
    Police dropped the ball
    This just solidified the case has been unsolved because of the police.
  • MPtrooper
    Sad story- sick ppl (some reviews)
    Ppl are so twisted today! They love to Create drama where there is none!! They spend their time on a search for any chance to say the “racist” word. Nothing about the reporting on this tragic story is racist!! This REPORTER simply did her best at doing a podcast on every Family‘s worst nightmare and she did so with the limited facts of the case. The maintenance workers are a tangible theory so why does this podcast earn the “racist stamp?” Because some narrow minded people???? The reporter intentionally withheld the real names of some of the known maintenance workers in this story because the police never named them as suspects or ppl of interest which in my book makes her a “responsible journalist.” I bet the kid who was crucified by CNN when he stood in Wash DC near a Native American would have appreciated the same type of courtesy. Anyway! This podcast is a compelling crime story and was done with class and respect to the grieving family while also keeping the story alive. I pray all their prayers are answered soon.
  • WallFisch123
    compelling and great to get this story out
    Well done by the host and very compelling throughout the entire podcast. I hope this helps shine more light on the case in hopes to finding answers for the Kesse Family.
  • MissWhimsy_
    Meh- watch forensic files instead
    Every missing person deserves to have their story told. Unfortunately their isn’t much story to be told that hasn’t been discussed 10-14 years ago. Watch the Forensic Files from a decade ago for a better synopsis The lack of compelling story telling and anti-Democratic ads had me turning this off around episode 4.
  • kdgirl22
    Well made but...
    I like the format and production, but there’s no real info on this case. It feels like a super let down to spend so much time on a podcast and have like 3 leads to discuss the whole time. Wrong case to choose.
  • Collide-A-Scope
    I hate Fox News with every bone in my body but this is well done and for God’s sake it is not racist. Just stop.
  • ellewc44
    Listen & draw your own conclusions
    I read a lot of the reviews & wondered if this podcast was actually racist or if it was simply a bunch of today’s fake-woke folks & it’s definitely the latter. If the facts align with some undocumented workers being suspiciously inappropriate-to the point a woman moved & another expressed fear to her family, that isn’t racism. An investigation should always follow facts. Listen & while ya do, keep in mind this family only knew what Jennifer had told them, as well as other condo dwellers...not to mention there were no cameras & maintenance had keys to the units. That’s exactly where I would’ve started too.
  • Esstra914
    I love true crime podcasts. I’ll listen to any of them. As soon as I saw this was a Fox News podcast I had my doubts. Then, to no surprise, blatant racism. Combine that with the gross Fox News commercials - no thanks.
  • samflowerseed
    I’ve lived in Bradenton FL my entire life and have seen Jennifer’s poster on the corner of Manatee and 75th every time I head to AMI beach. To now know the story behind her smiling face not only makes me sad but determined for more people to know. I will be sharing with my fellow podcaster friends so her story can get out there to more locals like me. Prayers to the family and prayers she will one day be found healthy and ok.
  • yespleaseforsure
    Racist FOX at it again
    Shocker! The Fox crime podcast is racist. Thought I’d give it a try since I love the crime podcasts but I couldn’t even finish.
  • MioRosa
    Excellent investigative journalism
    My heart goes out to Jennifer’s family and friends. I cannot understand how the OPD has not been able to solve this case and I hope they don’t stop investigating! Excellent podcast telling the story of Jennifer’s life! ❤️
  • MissCosmetology
    This was captivating. These parents are absolutely the most heroic I have ever come across in any story. This podcast was very thought out, and wonderful to listen to. If you are a woman into true crime, please listen. This could show you signs and save your life.
  • miranetsolutions
    Repetitive & filled w/ Xenophobia
    Decided to listen since I used to live in Orlando. I immediately became very uncomfortable with the xenophobia and prejudice in most of the interviews given by family and friends. I tried to give the family the benefit of the doubt due to the grief and anger they must be going through, but during interview after interview it became apparent that their outlook of the world and certain people in it is skewed. I don’t want to use the word “racist” to describe them but they came off as ignorantly attached to pre-conceived notions and stereotypes. I do hope that they find Jennifer and that the person(s) are brought to justice, but I had to stop listening. It became too political and took the focus away from helping to solve this case and focused instead on an sending some convoluted message that undocumented illegal immigrants are dangerous and “shady” people. I’m disappointed because it had the potential to be a good listen.
  • CLT user 040
    Too repetitive
    This podcast spends a lot of time retelling the same details across multiple episodes. But not to the furtherance of the story. Just rehashing the narrative. The editors could have easily cut out a few hours of time to make this flow better.
  • 84x3
    Don’t give it a listen
    So sad that this girl is missing but couldn’t get passed the first episode. Assuming a person is “suspect” because they don’t speak your language is racist.
  • thszaq
    Sad story, hard to listen
    It’s a sad story but it was also hard listening to the xenophobic rhetoric. Wouldn’t recommend
  • too much true crime guy
    Great podcast. The negative reviews are from insufferable, intolerant liberal Democrats.
  • bexmoy
    Highly recommend!
    This heartbreaking story was well told. I listened to the entire thing in one evening. Hearing this story made my heart hurt for all the families that have lost children. I can’t even imagine how much more painful it would be to never have any answers as to what happened to them. I read some of the reviews prior to listening and was pretty confused because I never heard anything that was even remotely racist. I was listening for it too, going into it, after reading the reviews, but I don’t think that there was anything even questionable.
  • leveled2020
    Great podcast
    Great listen. Don’t listen to the liberal pc Reviews. This podcast is informative and a great listen. When the brother explains that someone said don’t speak English that doesn’t mean it’s racist. That means the person doesn’t speak English.
  • Debrrrs
    Straight up racist
    Don’t bother
  • y.vines
    Racist AF
    Fox News back at it again. Don’t waste your time on this.
  • c6298375
    Couldn’t get past the racism..
    I liked this podcast at first... then after I realized it would be filled with the father and brother being straight up racist for the majority of the time, I had to stop listening. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, since it’s a Fox News network podcast- it totally fits with the type of racist and xenophobic views that Fox News loves to push. I’m glad I decided to read the reviews now, so I know I’m not alone in thinking this. I just wish I had read them sooner so it could have saved me some time.
  • boston_mina
    Tone deaf!
    Just bad
  • kate python
    Fox News Crap
    Dude this is so racist and xenophobic. Y’all can’t just ignore the racism.
  • MsusanM
    Podcast Makes the case feel personal.
    I first discovered Jennifer’s story on Disappeared on ID. I feel like this podcast makes the case personal which I appreciate. For those who are saying this is racist, I really do not understand this. Jennifer specifically stated that she was uncomfortable with the behavior of the maintenance workers. Is that aspect supposed to be ignored because they were immigrants? I don’t watch or listen to Fox News but to those who said it’s their agenda they clearly had no prior knowledge of this case. To those who said the brother was aggressive, I’m sorry but I would be too if my sister was missing.
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