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The Holy PoetExcellent.Dr. White is thoughtful and fair. You WILL be a wiser Christian in just about every area if you listen regularly. God bless this guy.
vigils7Alpha& omegaLove this show
AllanGuzman7Glory to Jesus ChristI don’t really know what to say other than love this podcast and it glorifies the true God of the Bible in a great way!
AlhambraDeeGood Apologetics and DoctrineDr. White has become my go to people for apologetics and doctrine. However, don’t deign to ask him questions, especially when you are attempting to get a better understanding of his views. He responds in a very uncharitable manner. It’s almost as if he is put out by people that he thinks aren’t as smart as he thinks he is.
Palooka61Kind And Intelligent.With genuine respect, always Biblical, and intelligent.
Jaquob_StrangeHot garbageWolf in sheep’s clothing. This guy is a total jerk. Met him in real life when I was a fanboy with my dad. My dad had no idea who he was, but he went up to talk him with me. He didn’t even look me in the eye. Rolled his eyes at my question (I was 18), I tried to ignore it, but my dad asked me why he was so rude. Anyone who watches him honestly shouldn’t be surprised. Not to mention, the fake degree and not being a real scholar but posing as one. If you agree with him, might be better to find a more honest person and one that treats others as Christians. You will know them by their love.
AverageapologistA gift to the ChurchBold, and faithful to the scriptures. Im so grateful for men like Dr James White, who are and have been on the front lines defending the faith.
Big Big JayThe bombLove Dr Whites teaching. Yes, he can get off track, but when he gets into it, he makes you think. Long time listener, only now doing a review. This is the first podcast I look for, sadly it isn’t every day. But well worth the wait. Love RFG.
CmRoddyA much needed podcast.I’ve been listening to Dr. James White since 2008 when I discovered the Doctrines of Grace and he has been a consistent, conservative, and powerful voice in defense of the Christian faith ever since then (and since the beginning of his ministry). He has been a vital part in my understanding and application of Reformed Theology since then, and I could not recommend this show more highly. Additionally, you will not be disappointed by picking up his books or listening to his debates. All are well worth your time.
juice man bayouLove Dr. WhiteDr. White has been an integral part of my understanding of the Bible and Christian history. I appreciate his candor and willingness to address the most serious and laughable scholars on their arguments because at the end of the day even the worst scholars have a following that could have Gods sheep that need to hear the voice of their Shepherd. Thank you
Mr. JoshuaSpeaking truth in a dark age.Very fortunate to listen to TDL. It has increased my knowledge of the Gospel and helped me to understand how to witness to RC relatives.
Colquhoun ClanA true scholarI’ve been listening to James White for years. The amount of knowledge I have learned from this man is incredible. Every Christian should be hearing what this man has to say.
RascapalianFinally! But you didn't have to be so sneaky about it!I had been checking Apple Podcasts® for the Dividing Line for years—but to no avail. I stop checking, and you sneak it in nearly a year ago! And I only discovered it now because Siri® so ridiculously misunderstood the name of another podcast I was asking her to play on my iPad®! Thank you, so much, for putting The Dividing Line on Apple Podcasts®. Due to a disability, I have to use either Siri® or the Voice Control feature to do things on my iPad®. Unfortunately, when I'm lying down (which is often) with my iPad® lying on the pillow next to me—and I have to use Siri® to play music or podcasts I want to listen to—I have no way to navigate most of the apps (since I can't see the screen, when it's lying next to me, and most Apps don't play well with Siri®). Now I can get caught up, and continue to keep up with The Dividing Line! Hallelujah! God bless you both, and keep up the amazing work you do!
EstebanShExcellentSound doctrine. Powerful truth.
Discernment DanWell…I suppose give it a listen if you like ruining useful apologetics by mixing it with Info Wars and paranoid rants fueled by self-importance?
- FounderInsightful and encouraging!Great podcast to strengthen your faith and learn more about why we believe what we believe!
hello123446789I love James whiteThe content on here is excellent! I like how he tells funny story’s and makes jokes. ( I know some people get annoyed with that 😂😂😂). I appreciate also that he holds firmly to the scriptures and therefore references it constantly when discussing a topic. You will definitely learn a lot from Dr. James White. He is the best!
BourbonSangriaHatProbably hard to find a hat that fits this guy.
ighghghggggggghhhhhAmazing ministryI can’t tell you what a blessing James White and Alpha and Omega Ministries has been to me over the years in my spiritual walk. From bringing me out of KJVOnlyism to bringing me into the Reformed faith, I have been greatly helped by this ministry.
aa-1133…Can’t take the comments off here James ! 😂
🎤Ryan preach it!PostDr James White is one of my favorite to listen to I only learned more. Can you post your battle with the black hebrew israelites also the INC. thank you!
aallen554New listenerUpdated on Mormon episode- the parallel in decline of Mormon doctrine (as The Church ) and the Catholic Church (as THE church) is a testament to modernism (satanic social marxman ) infiltration of both establishments. If you try please this world you are not pleasing to the Lord . So the Lord is exposing these two establishments as being given over to the devil . as Red pilled Catholic who literally doesn’t know where to go. I’m a Parish Orphan. So disheartened . BUT- The Lord has opened my heart and led me to this podcast. I am impressed with knowledge of so much “inside baseball (Catholicism)” as that has been my milieu for the past 5-10 years. So thank you for your incredible intelligence. Thank you for encouraging those to keep seeking Him.
JOLMStrulyStory times with Uncle Jimmy are kingVery good. Very thoughtful. 5 stars with love from Uganda!
PplmPplmPplmConsistent apologeticsDr. White expertly covers a range of topics in the field of apologetics that you either don’t hear anywhere else, or don’t hear discussed in their proper depth (such as Sola Scriptura, or responses to Catholicism). I particularly enjoy his ability to explicate his “full-orbed,” internally consistent worldview. He single-handedly coaxed me out of committed Arminianism into the Reformed position. Highly recommend.
Herculite1234UghListening to this guy is like getting kicked in the balls, unnecessary and blindingly painful.
JakeStokesGreat Weekly ListenOne of my Favorites. Dr. White is a fantastic teacher. Thankful for his ministry!
NspanoGreat PodcastThis is a great podcast for anyone that wants to delve into deep theological topics and church history.
ssmcgradyThankfulVery grateful for Dr. White’s ministry… I continue to learn and be encouraged in my walk with the Lord as I listen and read
Mt.6:24Jesus’ most neglected teachings...More people & podcasts are talking these days about the things Jesus taught (in the 4 gospels), but there are a few of his teachings that almost never get serious coverage. Several references (EXCLUDING the “rich young ruler”) are made in Luke about selling all of one’s possessions & giving to the poor and then this teaching is shown to be taken seriously by the time we get to the book of Acts (end of chapters 2 & 4). Another powerful & often neglected paradigm-changing (IF taken at face value) teaching of Jesus is found in Mt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13-14). This has been called the “Two Masters teaching”, one being God/Love and the other/opposite one being money. What would Christianity look like, both inside its confines and to the world at large, if these teachings were given much more serious consideration and application? Take a leap of faith and dive deep into these teachings! ✌🏼
rsegrellAOMIN AppThings are posted a lot faster on the new App then they are on podcasts, however I still prefer using the podcast because it remembers were you left off, with the app if you stop listening it starts from the beginning again. All in all though I love the AOMIN ministry and keep you in my prayers.
K TrumbleSeems that not many new podcast are put upEnjoy listening but wonder why new podcasts are not posted much any more? Maybe due to travel and inconsistent internet? Hope Dr White gets back to putting new podcasts up on a more regular basis.
dsand8888Truth and opinions backed up with truth.Jim uses confirmed sources and logic.
About God for KidsA must listen to personJames white is broadly knowledgeable. I have an undergrad in Bible and I have learned more from listening to him twice a week for 7 years then I did in my whole undergrad. He is truly compassionate yet very solid in his reformed theology. I look to him as a spiritual father for sure.
Specter & Bride Co.You need thisLearn theology and apologetics from a Reformed Christian worldview while basking in beauty of variety of Coogi sweaters!
Dan CoganSeminary for the LaymanJames White provides a resource to the Body of Christ here which will benefit countless many long after he is gone.
G3nghisKhanCoogiRich.... when are you going to sport the coogi?
home4kbI have to stop listening.I have been a listener for years. But the amount of negativity and the lack of joy and hope in Christ is more than I can handle right now. I understand the frustration when we look at what’s going on in the culture. There is no joy here.
JoyHWKeep speaking the truthLoving our neighbor is not going along with the crowd; biblically or otherwise. P.S. Herd immunity can never be attained by vaccines. It only happens when people are naturally exposed to and overcome a virus. If you listen to and read what the beurocrat tyrants ruling our country say, the vaccines ONLY reduce symptoms by a bit, they do not prevent someone from contracting “the virus”. I love that you are telling it like it is.
JPG1689Dividing LineThis program is so helpful. I thank God for Dr. White’s ministry.
owen severneLOVE THIS MINISTRYI love this ministry, I love all of the apologetic talks from DR. White. He is a real genius. I also like their conservative approach to political events. I have also enjoyed MR. Burnanskys episodes. Where can I find your dabates? Thanks!
cdulleaJohn Piper’s articleThank you for your in-depth conversation on John Piper! I appreciate your ability to analyze and articulate what is so very wrong in his article. Seems to me that John is trying to judge Trump’s heart instead of judging the fruits of his policies. I understand John’s emotional response to the persona of Trump, but I can see how Trump is embracing a Christian world view or is at least trying to protect it. Maybe this is an indication of God’s transformation on Trumps heart? Do we even have the right to judge that anyway?
ed mcCallThank youI have learned so much from Dr. white. He has helped my walk with Christ like no other. I Thank God for him.
Giselleee_egreat :)One of my favorites 💚
cullercat72The voice of sanity in insane timesPreach the truth and keep up the great cultural commentary!
just alright not spotifyCritical thinkingI have appreciated the critical thinking displayed by James White and his attempts at accurately presenting the beliefs of those he disagrees with. I may not always agree 100% with him (probably 99% 😉) but I always learn something and am challenged to think about why I believe what I believe. Thankful to have someone willing to say what needs to be said and to help others do the same. Keep it up 👍🏼
Opie maximusWhite is really goodWhite is a breath of fresh air.
PastoRob28Ignore all the negative reviewsAll the negative reviews are by people who obviously disagree with Dr. James White and try to make him out to be practically demonic, and that is not true. James White is orthodox in everything he teaches. It’s baffling to think there are people who look at the DL, and call it unorthodox or heretical, because it’s not. The DL is an amazing show that covers every topic in and outside of Christendom. James White speaks on topics such as Apologetics, Textual Criticism, the Greek New Testament, ancient and modern heresies, church history, the list goes on. And amidst everything he talks about, he still brings it back to the gospel, the need for everyone to trust in Christ and His Righteousness alone! If I were to give any sort of critique, that would be that the episodes are super long!! But you can put James at 1.5 or 2x speed and still enjoy the show. Yes, James White is Reformed. He’s a Calvinist, an Apologist, a husband, a father and grandfather. He’s an elder at Apologia Church and has served the Kingdom well. Enjoy!
Peter WaldoBe careful sirThe reason why Christians all over the Word hold to the AV , as their only translation to read and use a a daily guide, is because of the Holy Spirit direction. According to I Timothy 3:15, The church is the Pillar and ground of the Truth. From the first century down to today the true church knows the counterfeit Bible , corrupted by Satan himself, he also questions the Word of God, “Hath God Said,” is speaks to Adam and Eve, the Corrupted Vatican Greek text are filled with missing words , verses and Portions of Gods Holy Word.Our Father who tells us that Man, shall not live by bread alone but by every Word which proceedeth from the Mouth of God. Every Word , not just thoughts , you are putting yourself in direct Judgement from God , and I will entreat you to Repent, because if you do not you will have much to explain to our Righteous God and Savior who you have done much damage in your promotion of corrupted Greek manuscript. Gods Word is precious and as he holds the very atoms together he surely can hold every word to the Jot and the Title. He has promised to Preserve His word for each generation.Psalm 12:7, humble yourself and Repent, Mr. James White
Okie All DayArrogantHow arrogant can one guy be? He has never held an opinion over the hours upon hours that I’ve listened to his show. Everything he says is fact (in his mind, at least) and if you disagree with his interpretation you are a heretic. I’ve had enough.
Sola SisterWhat has happened to James White?At one time, he did more scholarly shows. But the DL is too rambly now, and White is way too snarky.
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