83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff

Sports #99Wrestling #4

Since 1984 every wrestling promoter has tried to beat Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation unsuccessfully… except one, Eric Bischoff. From a “C-Team Announcer” to the President of WCW, Eric did it all! The nWo, Monday Night Nitro, and most importantly beating Vince not once, but 83 times in a row! Hear all about it on 83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff and Conrad Thompson!

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Recent Reviews
  • TJ Spyke
    Doesn't work anymore
    For over a week it has been impossible to download episodes
  • Bayareaman4life
    Bischoff is a maga moron
    Eric forgets everything.. still trying to milk the one fluke idea that he had many years ago!!
  • Richiedog420
    Eric is the man
    Conrad and Eric are great story tellers love the show and the live shows on YouTube keep up the great work gentlemen
  • Domo Arigaro 12180
    Eric has liver lips.
  • Tank fm
    This podcast is boring!!
  • Barnettfan1
    Ron Simmons compared to Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair,Rey Mysterio????
    Nothing but respect for Ron Simmons but he had very little long lasting INFLUENCE in professional wrestling. Nobody talks about his WCW championship run with reverence. Had a great career, made good money, which is most important. You have to be honest AND NOT a sycophant.
  • iamkeithhofmann
    Great show, but….
    It’s a great show and Eric’s perspective is incredibly interesting, but there are two minor issues with this show. The audio quality at times is rough. There are so many times where Eric’s mic drops or lowers at random and it can be difficult to deal with at times. Second and more importantly, Conrad is just not a very likable guy. There is a wildly strong yet underlying arrogance that accompanies him when he speaks that it makes him nearly unlistenable. Eric saves the show bc as a person, he and his perspective are just incredibly interesting but Conrad is a tough listen, every show, without fail.
  • Big Boy 6767
    Best wrestling podcast
    This is the best wrestling podcast!! Why go anywhere else when you can get it from the man that reshaped pro wrestling!!
  • Hennessysp
    Need a new co-host
    I love Eric but cant listen because of Conrad Thompson. Anybody that puts that much stock in what Dave Meltzer says on a weekly basis has no credibility with me. He is a liability to this show. Time to find a new co-host, Eric.
  • Reddevil53
    Jericho episode
    I just listened to this episode and hearing Conrad go over the no ticke no laundry spat made me laugh so hard a started crying lol!!!
  • JayD1983
    Old format
    I like this show and find it entertaining still but I miss the old “deep dive” on WCW topics.
  • Erocsit
    Hate it
    Hate this show
  • Jcm800
    Thank you!!
    This was an awesome listen. I really appreciate the pin point accuracy of the facts and context.
  • The Real Johnny Bananas
    Conrad can’t eat his way out of this one.
    Connie’s hitched his wagon to AEW now he’s got a whole pile of problems that even he can’t eat his way out of .
  • Consumer04312
    Bischoff is God
    Great podcast.
  • Fullmetal McCoy
    Gone Down Hill
    Use to like the show when it was about nostalgic topics but there is too much uneducated current product discussion when Eric already has a separate show to do that.
  • Todd Crow
    Easy E is still on top!
    I appreciate Eric’s willingness to record consistently. There’s no such thing as a “Rewind” or “Best Of” episode on his two podcasts. Great content and very enlightening!
  • Big Ki
    Behind the curtain
    I am a business of the business fan. Eric provides the best insight of this aspect. Always a great listen.
  • YUsucksobad
    Pandering cowards.
    Did it ever occur to either of you sniveling goofs to acknowledge that all any of us have at this point are allegations relating to Vince? You’re speaking about these issues as if there has been a conviction. Has the married public figure paid millions in hush money to avoid scandal resulting from his penchant to bang around? Sure. Why is it so implausible to you that other girls might attempt to capitalize on that precedent!? Until there is a criminal conviction, it’s about money.
  • TJ Flynn
    The best
    On a weekly basis Eric kills it. The experiences he has had and the fact he is an open book makes him the best. He really has lived the dream in his professional life, personal life, and now his podcast life! Cheers to both podcasts!
  • pizzaliverone
    Awesome podcast
    I love the interviews every show , Also i love the old stories they bring up , Love to catch up on the older wrestlers i grew up when i was younger keep up the great work.
  • EW4O6
    Too many ads
    You just fill the episodes full of ads to try and make everyone support the Patreon. I’ve been a listener since day 1, but find myself tuning in less and less because of how many ads there are.
  • Jay010602
    You would think for all the podcasts that Conrad does he would clean up his audio. The audio the last few shows have been brutal.
  • J.T. Walker
    83 commercials
    This show would be so great if it didn’t have constant commercials every few minutes. The commercials are usually longer than the actual talking in between. I think most of us don’t listen to the commercials and fast forward through them, to be honest. There’s got to be a better way to fit your commercials in and make your money and not frustrate your audience. It’s to the point where I am about to give up on listening to the shows. Maybe settle down with all the commercials. Great show otherwise.
  • onetofollow
    Eric complains more about AEW
    On this weeks episode of strictly business, hear Eric complain more about AEW! and even throw out a conspiracy that tony khan must’ve bought all the tickets to ALL IN and thats why the numbers were so high! Tune in next week to hear more about why Eric hates AEW because he couldn’t get hired there, as well as more sucking wwe’s flacid weenis because they still cut checks to this irrelevant bottom feeding human who is no longer relevant in the business.
  • knahl81
    Conrad the contrarian.
    Eric is giving a well thought out opinion. Conrad “I think you’re being argumentative..” Dude. Give it a rest. Worst running bit in podcasts.
  • ReadaBookOneTime
    Great content but way to many advertisements
    Love the show and the great insight it provides, but wow, the ads make it unbearable. It’s too the point where it’s an advertisement, with some wrestling content sprinkled in.
  • jkoster022
    Love this podcast, but…
    Way to many ads. I feel 1/3 of the show is ads. Really enjoy Eric’s insight, especially since been rewatching WCW Nitro/PPV’s.
  • Azguy3537
    time stamps?
    could we get a time stamp feature to let us know when the discussion of the actual topic starts? That way we could skip the hour plus of conrad sucking off tony khan every episode
  • Jamieman37
    Love Eric, HATE Conrad
    The show is an awesome insight into WCW, but I cannot stomach Conrad. We get it. You have money and bought your way into all of this. He constantly reminds his audience that he has “connections”, and he’s been inside the wrestling business his entire life. He comes across as “I have money that bought me everything. Don’t you wish you were me?”
  • Flemish Pops
    C’mon with the ads
    The first wrestling podcast I ever listened to. Eric’s perspective is so useful and at times entertaining. But as Thomason’s podcast footprint expands, the ads are just awful. I’ll skip 17 to 20 minutes of the ad content now. I get they need to pay the bills, but c’mon.
  • Hugo_Strange
    Too Many Adds
    They constantly advertise and plug products which takes away from the content. Some episodes it is every five minutes or so. I don't know if this is their way to push everyone to the paywall (Adfree Shows) but it becomes annoying and often ruins the flow of episodes.
  • Dw power
    WWE Sale ?
    I love how Eric Bischoff stay away from factual assumption, like he knows what WWE will do. But gave a educational perspective of how a business operates in a sale, concerning WWE. Enjoy pt 1 &2👍🏽
  • Ultra Magnus_35
    Feels like the ads are wearing nWo shirts and running wild on their newer episodes. Sad, after listening since day one that they have increased so many ads. Not entertaining anymore
  • wwegirl89
    Sherri Martel
    I just listened to your podcast about Sherri she was one of my favorite mangers in wwe and wcw and she was one of the best I miss her a lot my cousin David was friends with her love your podcast about Sherri.
  • JSorensem
    The Best
    This is one of the most Important podcasts someone should listen to from the nostalgia to the Settings of The Records Straight from a Legendary Perspective and Factual Standpoint not A Fictional opinionist Named Useful Idiot to Strictly Business all around outstanding 10 stars of Factual Facts Y’all are the best!!!!
  • realamerican73080
    Come on now
    Big fan and normally impressed by every episode. But let's not label episodes like " NWO Wolfpac " and talk about Sami Zayn for an hour and a half. I listen to this show to hear insight in when wrestling was good. Not about the current state of affairs in todays snooze fest.
  • Tim Mucci
    Amazing podcast !
    I’m a huge fan of the behind the scene aspect of wrestling. I re watch WWE documentaries all the time. Specifically the Monday night wars and the rise and fall of wcw. So getting to listen to Eric talk about that time in wrestling history is amazing and captivates me every episode. I highly recommend listening to this very informal and very entertaining podcast. 5 stars easy.
  • fnfjrigg
    Eric blames tbs for everything.
  • BooBoo McGoo
    Sometimes entertaining, but mostly boring
    Sometimes its a fun nostalgic listen, but often too deep of a dive into the business aspect of wrestling. Also there’s been a bit of an anti-woke, anti-Biden, “hey kids get off my lawn” old cranky man vibe lately, i’m out.
  • Dixon15
    Never miss an episode
    Even the Lucha Libre episode. Love how Eric takes an honest look at the past and is willing to admit when he’s wrong.
  • Lili>Leukimia
    Great show. Thanks guys!
  • CDiFr
    Best REAL Wrestling Podcast
    EB, since day one of this pod has been the best. Eric not only talks about what happened inside the ring and backstage but also the business aspect of it all. And there’s many wrestling fans, including Conrad sometimes, who can’t grasp or handle the truth about certain events. And Eric is always 100% correct when criticizing AEW and WWE. Spot on commentary.
  • Chaos daddy
    Love this pod
    This is one of may favorite pods. Love how they touch on current stuff at beginning before getting into the meat of the program. Always something interesting.
  • BottleRocket_
    Love Eric, Conrad not so much.
    I love listening to Eric, but Conrad is ignorant, arrogant, and insufferable. He constantly shows his bias while accusing Eric of doing the same as a means of deflection. He’s a ridiculous child and he ruins the shows he’s on.
  • robthemany2
    Unsure about what the show is.
    I’ve grown to learn a lot from Eric about biz and life. But imo ever since the flat ppv Conrad seems to have left the podcast. And the episodes are mostly material prerecorded and release in the past and we have not had a podcast about wcw ppv in awhile. To me it just seems like maybe there are no new topics left and we will just rerun strictly biz until the contract runs out. The sad part is you can pull stuff from the episodes they are releasing but one wonders where are we with the show.
  • FrankTheTank101
    To many ads
    Great show but way yo many ads …. 21 mins into a podcast and I already skipped 15-18 mins of ads no thanks
  • TopherJames5
    Mediocre at Best
    This show was somewhat enjoyable when Conrad used to host, but between Eric being a gigantic liar and loser, and Paul having the charisma of herpes, this show is unlistenable now.
  • Buhbuhjay36
    WCW Guy
    Being a WCW guy, I really enjoy hearing those stories. Mixing in some TNA and WWE stuff keeps it entertaining. Listening to Easy E and Conrad “argue” over a point that one misunderstood is hilarious. Keep up the great work.
  • Doomsday77777777777777777
    Conrad crybaby
    Conrad comes off as a crybaby AEW fanboy who hates to hear the truth and facts from Eric... Conrad AEW is terrible get over it already. Your crying is ruining the show
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