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goudasharkBroadcastingFew of us are interested in the revolution to produce female baseball broadcasters. Leave DEI out of your pod?
cammc206I can’t listen anymoreKate is smart and I love learning from her (some dude on here complained that since she hasn’t been a suffering fan for as long as he is, she doesn’t deserve to experience negative emotions—thanks for mansplaining that). She may interrupt at times, but good god, some of these guys drone on and on. I’d interrupt too. If it were just her and one or two of the higher-pitched voiced guys, I’d listen all the time. John seems quite nice, but he speaks soooo slowly it’s just more than I can bear. Plus the show takes ten minutes to get to the meat while everyone makes small talk. Do the small talk before you turn on the mics to warm up, then start the show.
bringdafunk100Good but annoying- I second thatKate please stop interrupting people mid sentences. The overall content is in-depth and knowledgeable from all the speakers so I will continue to listen but it’s getting to the point where I first look to see if she’s on that episode and will listen right away if she’s not and wait until I’m out of other content if she is. Kate your amazing and I enjoy your points, just let others talk freely too.
BillyLovesPodcasts01Update - new kids are toughI fancy myself someone who likes dialoguing baseball as a method of resting my mind from considering other items of deep consequence. I find it refreshing that the hosts of this podcast seem to look at Mariners fandom through a similar lens. They are well-spoken, insightful, precise thinkers and jokers who treat their idioms with care, don’t mix their metaphors, and apply worldly and empathetic dispositions to their discussion of good ol’ baseball. I consider these cool kids to be magnitudes more enjoyable than any other Mariners podcast, and I encourage the others to take a queue or two from Lookout Landing. Update - I am adding a note in this review to encourage Evan and the other hosts of the B-squad to be careful and intentional with their lexical and idiomatic choices. It seems that with each episode, I say to myself more times, “I do not think this person knows what that word means.” Perhaps add a host to this squad who has a background in writing or performance, rather than audio tech. I love this show, and it’s getting tough to listen, y’all! The latest episode pushed me over the edge, friends. I adore Kate and John. You two have been there for me through hard times with delightful and insightful thoughts on life and sport. But with five ad breaks and platitudinal, non-insightful takes from Evan - combined with recent JV squad episodes - I have to sign off for now. I’ll keep reading the posts and will check back in a few months to see if things have changed. Sincerely, thank you Kate and John. Checked back in today and Evan said that he found the M’s play to be “disparaging” on the episode. I give up. This makes me so sad. I miss the old days. Words have meanings. Read books before you fill the space with your words. GAH!!
lg2285aThe most informed mariners podcastFairly unstructured Big picture view of the teams player coaches player management, pretty baseball focused
sngr4evrToo many rabbit trailsThey have good knowledge of the Mariners but often it is a rambling mess. Kate is a fine writer but I feel it is like pulling nails for her to get to the point. Lots of pauses or interrupting each other’s thoughts. They would be well off having a list of bullet points or an outline to go on rather than the open ended discussions.
wgt1972Good stuffThoughtful. Funny. Optimistic with a touch of “Oy vey”.
GoNers1234Pretty goodIt’s a generally insightful podcast, but the planning is sometimes a little poor (drags on for a long time) and there’s oftentimes too much interrupting from Kate.
Scottish DirtbagsGetting Havre MT’s very own Marvin the Android is a Coup D’ étatNow that the Podcast has been reimagined into the Meet at the Mitt Podcast I don’t know what to call them! I think I will refer to Kate John and Evan as the MOTM: Meeters of the Mitt! I’m a loyal long time listener, this is a first time review. I wanted to write a review to perhaps bring a little more balance to some of the unfair criticism after the Ryan Divish Podcast. I just finished listening to that Podcast. MOTM: what a lovely treat to start the year! Thank you! Ryan Divish is a Pacific NW institution, his sardonic wit and baseball acumen is unmatched. He does remind me a wee bit of Marvin from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. A depressed robot who has an ongoing hatred for his fellow Robot Eddie- just because he’s overtly happy!! It has been great to see your show progress over the past few years. When Kate got her Clubhouse credentials it really added an extra element to the overall value of your show. Its not unlike the idea shared in this Divish Podcast- Cherries being sprinkled on top on a Sundae! …..Speaking of Kate….. how dare you Mzz Preusser! How dare you make me choke up when you spoke about your Father and Grandfather not being able to see a WS!! Kidding aside- I’m sorry to hear about yer Dad Kate. My Mum is in the latter stages of a rare brain disease- its a bastard. I think I know what you’re going through. Your podcast helps me shift my focus onto the grand old game! Keep em coming MOTM’s. 👊🫶🏻
UclawguyPretty goodKate stop interrupting co-hosts/guests while they talk challenge. Would be way better if she’d pull it back a bit.
Edgar & DaveGreat interview with DivishLoved the wide ranging interview with Divish. So many insightful nuggets in there. Please don’t interrupt Divish when he is talking so much. He was giving so much great info and a few people kept trying to jump in when he was talking.
SugarSugarSugar!Mostly enjoyableJust found this podcast a few months ago and have added it to my weekly diet of Mariner podcasts. Love the topics and enjoy the discussions. I have found myself learning something new about my favorite team each episode. Their knowledge of analytics and the M’s minor league players is especially impressive. Only two minor complaints: 1) Kate can be overly negative and gives off a lot of unhappy vibes. I hope she is ok. 2) John tends to be so deliberate and slow with his delivery that I find myself completing his sentences for him and begging him to just for the love of God spit out his brilliant point. Looking forward to a great season guys….even if I have to listen on 2.0 speed.
HsegjuyddDragsYou all should set a time limit of 30 minutes on your podcast, forcing you to get to the point
J-SalazarSomeone please fix the audio quality!I have been a listener for awhile and honestly feel the quality of the audio for the podcast has been declining over the last year. It sounds like at times the hosts are speaking into a tin can. The cuts in the audio are choppy and the sound levels are ALL over the place. It makes listening to the podcast difficult. I enjoy the podcast content but really hate the production.
whathehillGood insightLove the insight they provide to us Baseball novices
ChauntryI really like the new formatGood job keeping things on track!
Magni629A better read than a listenIf you aren’t familiar with Lookout Landing the blog, go check it out. It’s a consistently good take on everything Mariners. The podcast is a different creature entirely. I can confidently say that no one loves the sound of his own voice more than this dude. A ton of great stats are lost in the droning smug.
alplesauceNot beholden to the OrganizationKate, John, and Evan form the currant backbone of the LL podcast for the Seattle Mariners. They’re usually excellent in their reporting and musing on the state of the major league club and minor league affiliates. Their camaraderie makes it more fun to listen than to read on the LL site, esp since I bailed on Twitter (although the written pieces on the sites can be gems in their own right). What I love most is their dedication and the fact that they’re beholden to no corporate ownership other than Vox, and sounds like not even the later are going to be involved. Jerry’s fun to listen to, but he’s a little over the top optimistic and a lot less generous with his podcast time. Ryan Divish and Larry Stone do a credible podcast too, but they work for a local paper and have to curry favor with the team to keep access. LL can be less biased bec they don’t have those more obvious conflicts of interest, and I feel a lot more like they represent the fans. I plan to support them on Patreon if they go that way. K, J, and E help keep me going through the winter, and that means a lot to me. Thanks guys, and thanks to your occasional other guests as well, and to Matthew when he as with the site.
Snydro81UmmmmmIf you’d like to hear someone say “ummm” 5000 times and take a full minute to spit out a simple sentence, this is your pod.
CDiFrRough declineThis used to be my absolute go-to Mariners pod. However, they don’t update nearly enough. They mess around too much and that makes the shows too long. Locked On Mariners is the best Ms pod on the market right now. I really hope this pod gets back on track because when they’re on, they’re untouchable.
lashel27Fun podcast to the equally good mariner write upsLookout Landing is an entertaining and educational podcast on the seattle mariners. The team has some great tidbits and discussion on all things M’s. Go m’s! Love the content!
justsports1Talk about sportsI listen to sports talk to get a break from all the politics. I can’t stand it when people use their sports platforms to push their own personal views. You guys have great insight on the M’s but not everyone has the same views as you do, which is fine, I don’t have a problem with your opinions and views, but please don’t push them on me when all I want to hear about is my favorite team.
Julie94610Mariners support groupLL is a great read (and a good listen) for all things Mariners. Like most podcasts, it tends to go on for a while, but the insights are worthwhile and the hosts are knowledgeable and fun.
jhardball35Stop Saying “That’s enough on that topic”Kate needs to answer the question that’s asked, whether it’s a short affirmative or short negative. Simply saying, “that’s enough on that topic” is frustrating and makes the topic feel unfinished. It makes me want to move on to the next topic MUCH less than simply providing an answer and then moving on. If this continues and an opinion can’t be bothered to be provided, there isn’t any reason for me to continue listening.
Seattle listener 123Good but difficult to listen at timesSolid content on all aspects of Mariners baseball, which is great for those who can’t get enough of MLB and the Mariners. The hosts tend to spend an irritatingly significant amount of time complaining about billionaires and ownership in baseball, which becomes tiresome quickly as it is clearly a personal philosophy/political type issue they carry into their coverage. Would we all love for the Mariners to sign a dream team of free agents? Yes. Is that not happening a reason to hate every actual move the team makes? No. With a little realism from the hosts this would be much better, but still brings a lot of good to the table.
two1thr33Don’t listen if you’re in a good mood.Jeez. Hopped on after the trade acquisitions and went from excited to depressed. Takes made me question whether or not I should watch a single game.
Lenny8080Decent podcast but intolerant hostsThe podcast is informative and mildly entertaining until the hosts start with the racism and sexism.
Nick in PTComfort Food for M’s fansEssential listening for any devoted Mariners fan, especially during this ‘21-‘22 offseason. They don’t just cover the farm system but the MLB free agent and trade market too. And I can’t for the life of me understand why Kate gets any shade cast her way; the podcast is never quite as enjoyable on the rare occasions she misses it. But even without her, the pod is always full of voices who know the Mariners promising prospects (and even the lesser vaunted farm hands) backwards and forwards. My only gripe is that the podcast comes only weekly, and sometimes not even that. Thank you, Lookout Landing!
tjhtyGreat content. Poor audioGreat analysis and discussion. However I have to rate low because unfortunately the audio is so bad/ cuts in and out that it almost makes in unlistenable. Very disappointing because I love the content and the dynamic of the hosts.... but super frustrating to listen through poor audio quality.
Going On Twenty Yrs.Great podcast!Great podcast. Love the insight and the back and forth. Audio is much better but Kate… still talks over/cuts everyone off. C’mon Kate, just let people finish their thought before you try to walk back that you didn’t want the Mariners to make any moves at the deadline to actually make the playoffs when they have a chance. Which Kate Preusser was that on the last podcast with Divish?
El CidlyFinally decided to unsubscribeThis had been my favorite podcast for years and it bums me out so much to say goodbye. But I’m just so tired of the hosts political and social beliefs being such a major part of a sports podcast. I love sports media precisely because it can be an escape from all of the hate and division around us. One day I hope to circle back and find that things have changed. Like I said I loved this podcast for many years, and I’m sad to finally be done.
msfan24Too much politicsStopped listening due to the amount of politics. I enjoy the baseball parts of it but if I want to listen to people talk about politics I’ll go find a podcast for that. Let baseball be baseball and politics be politics, no need to combine the two.
King hubb2327Great!Love the minor league and prospect coverage. Worst sound for a podcast I’ve heard but that’s the only complaint. Great material!
Phila203MsFanLots of interruptions. Sanctimonious attitudes by hosts. Poor content. Highly disappointing.
PiffJab.Love it. But stop interrupting the guests Kate! Lol
blueballaGood topics, but...The topics are great, but it’s really hard to continually have to hear the Girl interrupt others mid-point and laugh at her own jokes. Also, her audio is on a completely different level than everybody else’s. 3 stars but could be 5 with some internal changes
ericbiocougGreat listenListener for quite some time now, took me through the pandemic, readied me for the 2020 MLB draft, gets me stoked for the farm and future and hosts great guests like RRS (funny as hell). Thanks guys and gal!!
Barack Obama Himselfmust listenthis is the best mariners podcast on the planet
IkeReviewPlease upgrade your audio gearI want to like your podcast but the audio quality is pretty poor. Please upgrade your mics, etc. ; I can barely stand it’s
henrykt16Good TimesAlthough I listen to a few different podcasts, the lookout landing podcast is one of my favorites. I always listen the day it comes out and I really appreciate you guys making it! It certainly has helped me get through this season, as well as gotten me a lot more interested in the minor leagues. Thanks!
JayarrwildFix audio quality, speed up convosI would really love to support the LL podcast, but they really need to equalize the volume levels in production before finalizing — I couldn’t keep listening after 20 min of the newest episode because it kept going from yelling to whispering. In addition, a very high percentage of the most recent episode was full of slow, non-baseball conversation topics. I would love it if you guys would get to the points a little faster and try to trim off some of the fat. (I love reading Lookout Lansing and would love to support the podcast, just offering some advice for increasing tour quality. Thanks! Jake)
Jcrod22Good podcast, could improveGood content but audio quality is poor. Rhythm of conversations is super super slow.
ToddwaddellGood (and entertaining) sports journalismThe Lookout Landing podcast presents the same fan-centric, data-based analysis as the website in a fun and erudite format. The podcast kindles my enthusiasm and their analysis makes me a more informed fan. As a result, I understand and enjoy Mariners baseball even more.
FlexibleofficerulerGood while it was onAuthentic Mariner reviews without the Rick Rizz infomercial voice and hype.
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