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Mythical.ZoologistMy favorite D&D podcastLove this podcast! The player dynamics are so fun, and Kyle (the DM) did an amazing job on the story. It’s a podcast I recommend to pretty much everyone, especially if they want to test the D&D waters. Kyle does a great job explaining the mechanics, while also letting the players do what they want, within reason.
Peter the YeeterBest podcast ever!🎶
ksissjdMost amazing podcast EVER!!!This podcast has helped me some really hard times. I love it so much! I actually cried when I thought Yashi had died! I’m on my second time listening to this! Are there anymore episodes coming out!?! Please do more!
Normal Neanderthal👏It’s really good but I wish there were more episodes that are not explicit
uytrfgyyyttLove y’allTHE BEST D&D REAL PLAY PODCAST EVER!!
SusanFaumanI❤️this podcastthis is the best d&d real-play podcast ever
MMSIPLoving this campaign!I’m a newbie to DND and was looking for a podcast that would either help me as a DM or with the game in general and found this podcast. I didn’t know what to expect but it has been such a delightful adventure. The players are so witty and funny and the best part - the songs. Each episode, the players write a brand new song that enhance their magic for whatever the situation requires. Thoroughly loving it!!
TweygohBest Music Based Dnd PodcastI’ve listened from the near start having hearing an Ad spot from the Adventure Zone and every episode is a joy to listen to as well as all their music available elsewhere!
Fredward JonesLove it!I’ve been listening to this for years and just realized that I never placed a review. I love it and never want it to be over and have to wait for another two weeks!
kieraloaAll you want from a dnd podcast and moreComfort, found family, mystery, music, chaos, amazing dungeons, and epic dragons. Bombarded has gotten me through both good times and bad. An awesome show with an awesome sauce community <3
ColleyJoubertRandicalityI love the randomness and music creates some truly hilarious combos!!!!
chachachilleI CAN’T STOPThis podcast: One episode and I can’t stop listening! 😍
joules72D&D Live Music!This show is a creative blend of DND and the performing arts. The cast is made up of very talented musicians who not only bring the story to life with their music but will also teach you some theory along the way. If you are looking for a family friendly show that introduces you to DND and/or the ins and outs of being an performing band member this is a great pick!
Bryan22Great concept!!!Loving this concept and the fact that the music is so intertwined to the story. I’m early in in the podcast but I am enjoying it so much. So glad I found this podcast!
nikkikayakLove u all y’all bardsThis show is so entertaining I get excited every time a new episode comes out. They restored my faith in humanity and they are helping me through a hard time in my life. So love you so much ❤️
IllusionAngelFavorite DnD podcast!bomBARDed is my favorite D&D podcast ever! I truly love everything about it: the players, the characters, the chemistry, the humor, and the music! The way it’s changed from the beginning to the present. I truly just love the evolution of it, it’s just in a constant mode of evolution like music itself. Fluid and complex like gender and sexuality yet simple and easy to hear. The bards always bring a smile to my face and I’m excited to see where the story goes from.
inu mirumiruAll about that Chaos SauceWhat a charming show. Great storytelling, fun characters, complex world building, music theory, and so much more. You will not be disappointed to put this sauce in your ear holes.
LadowscarF-iNG AMAZINGThey write a new song EVERY time. Music as spells and enchantments really being a new level to the feeling of bards in ttrpg podcasts. Originally heard them guest star in the raw fury games on greetings adventurers. These guys are hilarious and do awesome at the rp side.
EndallifeWhere destiny meets fateJust gotta slow clap it out for Episode 69 releasing on 4/20. Just an absolute masterpiece of planning, execution, and use of Doritos.
SteamhausFantasticLove the story so far. Great for long road trips. The little songs are wonderful.
lols lols lolsMoHi kahileo
girasolefiammanteOne of my favorite rpg podcasts :)I'm listening through for the second time, this show is just a good time!
Nick HaskinsSensational!I'm extremely picky about my actual play podcasts, and bomBARDed is the best of the lot by a mile. They stick to the game and don't get off on weird side talk outside of rare and short blips. All of the players are amazing, the characters are a world of fun, and the production value with the music is out of this world. Absolutely my top recommendation for anyone wanting to listen to an actual play podcast that doesn't have whole episodes where players don't even play the game. Brilliant work!
Chris and Cheryl GouldThis is plain awesome 👏This is so good that I do not even need to talk about how awesomely awesome this is.
bellacarminaThey’re back!My absolute favorite d&d podcast
Zane Or ZapLove the podcastI miss lawful broth
xxxjinx1234Fantastic!!Started listening to this podcast when I had to go back to commuting super long for work, and it always keeps me entertained and laughing! There’s so many things I could say about the podcast, but you should just listen to it for yourself. I’m almost caught up and looking forward to the shenanigans they get into next!
DnD GurlFAVORITE.PODCAST.EVER.IN.THE.WORLD.ajiisjdfhghtryueiwsjnxc!!!This is the best thing I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. Ever. I love this podcast SO much. I love you guys so much. I’ve already listened 3 times and am on my fourth! Thank you so much for being here, you guys have no idea how much this means to me. I’m the one who drew the alternate cover! You are soooo awesome. I love you guys SO much. You’re the BEST. Y’all are lovely goofballs. Tabby and Splash are my fav NPC’s. There’s so much wonderful character growth and wonderfulness. I can’t even say enough. There aren’t enough words to describe. Ya’ll are fan-freakin-tastic!!! love, ur #1 fan PS, I’ve been playing dnd since I was 5! Now I’m 12 1/2 PPS, Maybe a shoutout? You can call me goldberry! PPPS, do you even read these??
nickyjackson97Favorite ttrpg podcastTitle says all. Binging this podcast was one of the best experiences I’ve had with a ttrpg show and I definitely felt real sad when I caught up because I just wanted more so badly! They really made something special and unique compared to all the other ttrpg podcasts I’ve listened to! The characters are so great and the DM’s acting is real good and fun. All around they have a lot of talent and good chemistry, can’t wait to hear more!
gold-rangerThe best podcast ever!!!I can't say enough about this podcast. It is just absolutely phenomenal. Kyle is a fantastic DM with top notch world building, the players and characters are delightful, their chops are incredible! I'm at episode 27 and had plenty of laughs a long the way! I was waiting until I caught up to leave a review, but what forced my hand was Razzle's song in EP. 27. I've loved a lot of the music y'all have written for this show but I never expected to actually have a musical moment. Again, this podcast is seriously amazing. If you all ever take any guests, I'm a music teacher in the North Texas area and it would be a dream to play with y'all!!
amandimaliaSo wholesomeAlongside an intriguing storyline, the PCs are a delight - the players clearly love each other IRL and it shows in their character work, and the storyline is gracefully inclusive of LGBTQ folks. This show is a great balance of exciting and wholesome, with bonus music theory lessons that feel like unlocking new skills or items in a video game. I always enjoy the moment where they reveal the new song of the episode!
StrixSlyMusic and DnD, what else do you need?Came here from Sneak Attack’s recommendation, and ya’ll are amazing! This podcast ticks the boxes for both my musical and dnd nerdy self. Clever lyrics and musical arrangements, plus the never ending play on words and musical references are consistently entertaining. They have great audio quality and excellent storytelling! 100% recommend!
Lauren111111111*chefs kiss*Honestly? No one needs to “sell” this pod. It’s good. It’s very, very good and the music is even better. Consider yourself “sold.”
kahn34207One of the best dnd podcasts I’ve heard in a whileDecided to give it a try and I’m pleasantly surprised by the quality of the podcast and to find out it’s a band in my area!!!! Definitely a podcast worth listening to
CatrissaaHas become one of my favorite podcastsI have been interested in this podcast for months. I’ve clicked on it thinking it was interesting, but I’m not a fan of musicals so when I saw that this was one I said nope. Until someone recommend it to me and I was out of episodes for all my podcasts i was like okay, give it a try. I regret not giving this one a try when I first found it. It is hilarious and the music is so good. My favorite part is all the music puns. The story is really interesting and different enough from other RPG podcasts that draws you in.
DarkRyder33YesJust yes. It’s really good, and you should listen to it. Also please cast Moonbeam more I love the song for it.
Bbelt13Awesome!They do DND podcasting on a new and interesting way that hits just so right! Amazing podcast that I am eager for every other week!
DreadfullyShaneThis is the bestBombarded takes the typical DND game and adds something new to it. The story, the characters all seem real and you also feel like you’re apart of this group sitting in the room with them as the story unfolds. Great podcast to get lost in.
EmilyELewisDND + Original MusicCan’t be beat.
CherylPjOn my third time throughI love this podcast. I have the music and listen to it frequently. During this pandemic I needed something good to hep me deal with the bad. BomBARDed is the perfect solution.
CrankyDMCannot Stop Listening to AlabamaComedy and great music! How is this so good!
Asho CatonThe Commentary at the end of Yashee’s DayThe reason you should put books on the carts for the librarians instead of returning them to where you found them is that librarians attempt to keep a record of which items have been looked at or used so that, even if those items don’t get checked out regularly, they won’t be removed from the collection to make room for new items. We try to take what people look at it into consideration when we go through our collections to delete or replace books. By the way, I love this podcast and the music you guys make on it. I think it’s a genius concept. I’m excited to see where it goes.
The Science KidneySo Creative!A really fun new take on a DnD podcast! The characters are great, story is really fun, and the players seem to have a nice time playing and making music together! Not to mention the soundtrack is killer. Sweater spoons for life 💛
Sonic1400It’s. Okay.I. Mean. I’ve. Listened. To. Episodes. On. This. Podcast. And. It’s. Okay. It’s. Not. One. Of. The. Best. DND. Podcasts. Out. There. But. I. Guess. It’s. Okay. I. Mean. I. Play. DND. Too. But. We. Have. A. Little. More. Fun. With. DND. In. Our. DND. Story. I. Found. A. Talking. Cat. With. A. Caller. And. Whenever. His. Caller. Turned. Red. That. Means. The. Cat. Is. Lying. And. By. The. Way. The. Cats. Nickname. Is. Scotty. And. When. Scottys. Caller. Turns. Green. That. Means. He’s. Telling. The. Truth. But. The. Cats. Real. Name. Is. Cam. Bully. Cam. Bully. Is. A. Captain. On. A. Pirate. Ship. Our. Story. Is. A. Little. More. Interesting.
raining3510/10 definitely recommendi love this show! each episode is like a little present for your ears and you get a new song each time too
RavenHarryThis is a very good podcastI wish there was more podcasts like this. Kyle’s excellent DMing allows for a brilliant story for our hilarious trio of bards to flex there muscles and music. With amazing composition, music lessons and role play, I can use this podcast to cheer me up in even the worst of times.
JD dhe8jddhudeffhfTHIS IS AMAZING! One critique tho....I love everything about this, but I just feel like the role play goes on for too long sometimes. I love roleplay as much as the next person, but sometimes it feels like too much and I just want to get to the plot. Otherwise, everything is good! I really like the songs
Fujy50One of my favorite podcastsLove this show, the music is great and the characters are so fun. Started re-listening to it last week and I’m already up to episode 30.
stuff checkerThe bestThis is my favorite podcast and I listen too it all the time!
longjohn kodyCan’t praise moreThis is by far my favorite podcast I’ve ever listened to. I think this is one most creative things ever.
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