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Michelley0055Unfortunate sales tacticSo unfortunate that you can only listen to the first episode, which is just a sales ploy to get your subscribed to wondery.
a.erinGood LordThe wife talking about “The Hamptons” in that nasally voice. Ugh! Nails on a chalkboard.
J AkaneGreat true story, subscription required :(Really enjoyed the Apple TV mini series. When I found it as a pod cast, I was excited! Unfortunately my hopes were dashed upon discovering I could not listen to episode 2; a subscription is required. If you have the money, go for it! It’s a very interesting account.
milliercAmazing story telling!This is the type of podcast I love. 2023 and this is the first I subscribe to listen to. Thank you for your years of dedication to this. Now I have to watch the movie.
hhhehhuuuuueuExtended description of house?Episode one, short teaser intro about therapist who did some unspecified bad thing. Then five minutes describing some house in the hamptons, it belongs to the therapist I guess? I’m tired of hearing about the house so I skip forward to 13 minutes. More description of house??? The premise seems interesting, maybe I’ll try to find a written summary or something.
mrszingMeh.The premise is great, but it is way too long. It should have been edited down to 3 episodes. My daughter and I turned it off because we were bored.
Tito 561 boricuaJust amazingGreat to listen to sad but an amazing happy ending
iwouldwatchitloved it and recommend completelyit is such a great story that actually hit very close to home. I think the story telling was amazing because if let the story speak for itself since it is so powerful, and very hopeful and beautiful, especially for someone who has been through similar things with my father
CourtmpGreat PodcastsAbsolutely loved this podcast’s I was hooked from the beginning! Thank you, Joe.
nunyah d. buzinessLoved the podcastLoved the podcast. I just can’t believe people were this gullible 😩
obonitachicaMade top 10Really enjoyed TSND, you won’t regret listening!
CabotFan42Pay to ListenI refuse to pay to listen to a show that was free before Wondery. Seems ridiculous to pay
ALJ451I was so excited, but..,I’m not going to pay Wondery so they can subsidize their other crap podcasts that they put out for free. I was really looking forward to hearing this but Wondery can pound sand.
coollonitaWorth trying wondery just for this!This is such a sad, heart wrenching and at the same time beautiful and inspiring podcast, and I found it so incredible. Mr. Markowitz is such an inspirational person and proof that it’s NEVER too late to restart your life. I just am so glad he got away From his abuser, was and was able to share his story. The podcast itself is also just very pleasing to listen to, their accent and voices are really entertaining. Joe does a great job with his investigation, and the deep dive he does in to the backstory is absolutely mind blowing! Really just phenomenal. Definitely one of my favorites I’ve ever listened to and absolutely worth doing the wondery trial for cuz you will definitely binge it! 20 out of 20!!
Social Media WomanWow Just WowI hope ALL of the patients including the three women who wish to remain silent will find their balls and expose Ike Hershkopf for the garbage con artist shrink he is. I don’t believe they’re “scared of retaliation” I believe they don’t want their friends knowing they went to a con. Marty….I wanna slap him for being brainwashed but I wanna hug him because he WAS BRAINWASHED. He truly lost 30 years of his life. It’s so hard to believe the state of NY would allow the likes of Hershkopf to skate away while trying to steal everything from a patient. I blame the licensing board as much as anyone.
readingreneeGreat story and narrationI love the podcast, Mr Nocera’s voice and the guests. I feel so bad for Marty. This kind of story is something we need more of! The tale of a family, patients and a business in peril is heartbreaking Great job
JodiemtWowSeems kinda ridiculous to allow a Doctors reputation to be totally ruined because a clearly pathetic man is embarrassed for the decisions he made. Given how few people were actually interviewed for this show I’m assuming that nearly all of his patients were satisfied with the care they receive. Yet one man’s hurt feelings were able to destroy him. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had someone to blame our bad decisions on?
SilvapainAnother Wondery Podcast Going Completely SubscriptionOnce again, Wondery has taken an old podcast series of theirs that was once free and made it completely subscription as a money grab. What terrible business practice!
laharrison01Scam to listen to podcastWill not pay to listen to a podcast
Isiahrocks21This story is … wowI never write podcast reviews. From how this began to the end- what a story! I binged on this entire story, while cleaning my non-Hampton house, with my mouth open. I really enjoyed it. 😂
taneshapLoved It!I found the podcast after watching the show and I’m so glad I did! Thanks so much for bringing the crazy story to light.
Mingo8myshoeLoved it!!!I listened before the show came out and having listened prior to the show made watching the show even better!
EragonEPPaywallLooks like an interesting show, but now there’s a paywall, which in my opinion defeats the whole concept of podcasts. Pass.
Bremesha DWhatWhat happened to the episodes?
nonicknamerobsLOVE but episodes cutting off at end?I saw the TV series based on this story and was so excited to find the podcast! This is such a captivating human interest story. However, it seems each episode so far has cut off too soon at the end, often in the middle of a sentence. Anyone else experiencing this???
WilllemmmMoronsHis patients are idiots, I can’t imagine feeling sorry for someone so naïve as to let their therapist take over their money and property. Good job with the finesse doctor Ike.
JoanP2325Appears free on Apple podcast appI listened to all of the episodes before the paywall luckily, so I’m not sure if I can see them all because they’ve been played prior. If you have an iPhone try the Apple podcast app. Great story if anyone could listen to it anymore
iamhmoggiePay WallMake advertisers pay for these podcasts, not your every day normal people just trying to get a little entertainment.
DrunkenduckfishMehMore boring from this angle then Wondery usually produces. Joe try’s to be humble, but still brags and throws his stuffy wife in the mix. Great to see folks living the majority of life in the Hamptons trying to seem down to earth. The things that shock them are minimal to what real people experience. 1 episode and done for me. Tired of privileged vanilla people milking every last drop. Boomers are leaving the rest of us hanging out to dry.
letitbefreeHave to pay nowWas a good series. Now u have to pay the dr.
ljacknb1Too much money for series.They put up a pay wall before I could finish it $5 a month is too much for just 1 podcast.
Lucky WeatherWait. Now I have to pay?I had thoroughly enjoyed the first three episodes and now suddenly I am being asked to pay a monthly fee to continue. There were ads in the first three episodes (which I am fine with to keep content free), but there is no way I’m paying to hear the end of this story. Too bad. I was enjoying it.
JamesC_NYCPay only! Don’t bother.You have to subscribe to listen. No thank you. Plenty of free content out there.
Notamused63Too bad about the paywallThis is an excellent series, much better than the AppleTV series. I understand why the newly instituted paywall, but I think it’s unfortunate that patients being similarly abused by therapists won’t have access to it and perhaps be alerted to what’s happening. I’ll bet there are lots of Ikes out there. It was such a public service when it was free. Too bad.
todd4747474TeaseWondery’s content was free last I knew. Got three episodes in loaded with ads and now have to pay to hear the rest? No thanks.
Springs03Probably a great podcast but I’ll never know, because it’s not free :(Why charge for this? There are already ads, this seems unnecessary. Probably a great podcast but I’ll never know, because it’s not free :( Why charge for this? There are already ads, this seems unnecessary. Probably a great podcast but I’ll never know, because it’s not free :( Why charge for this? There are already ads, this seems unnecessary. Probably a great podcast but I’ll never know, because it’s not free :(
TMo40Disappeared?I was thoroughly enjoying this podcast series until it literally just disappeared in the middle of episode 5 for me. The episodes just vanished from every platform. What happened?!
MjeknavoWhy did all the episodes disappear?Why did all the episodes disappear?
Christinaaa1Missing EpisodesWhy are the episodes suddenly missing? The only episode available is the Introduction episode, even after paying for Wondery Plus.
hurley0517AwesomeThis was an awesome story. It’s sad that happened I wish Ike wasn’t allowed to practice anymore.
Women SupporterPodcast so much better than the show!Just finished The Shrink Next Door on Apple TV. It was no where near as good as the podcast. Thank you for telling the story!
Haitian ArgentinaAmazing story!Amazing story! Told well!! I really enjoyed this !
Mcaster_hog_hunter7Absolutely AwesomeGreat storie! Listened to all of the episodes in one trip!! Like a good book couldn’t stop listening to it!!!
meegdcThis is how you tell a story..No surprise though- former NYT. Brilliantly told story- timeline clear, each player’s role clearly defined .. great voice, editing.. all of it !
kelbel93Great Listen!Well done and concise podcast!
pftittl14Amazing!Better than the great Apple+ series and that’s saying a lot
ETryzGreat!This was such a great podcast! It kept my interest through every single episode. I found it amazing this was a true story, and had to keep reminding myself of this.
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