Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern


On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

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Recent Reviews
  • Parsley210
    Highly recommend
    I’ve been hooked on Easy German content since I saw their Breakfast in Slow German YouTube video. This podcast is perfect for intermediate level learners. I learn new vocabulary, phrases, and lots about life in Germany from the smart, funny, and kind hosts Cari, Manuel, and Janosch.
  • Txgrl10
    Not for beginners
    Don’t listen to this if you want to learn the basics or just learning. They don’t give any translations nor any beginner words. It is completely in German. Listen to this if you just want to listen and get exposure to the language. I’m sure it’s a good podcast, but it’s not for me until I actually learn the basics. 5star review because I hope to get there eventually and I’m sure it’s helped other people. It’s just not for me right now.
  • TJMcButters
    You have to trudge through a lot of force-fed politics to get to the fun German stuff. If you can handle it, then it’s a good podcast. Otherwise just go watch CNN and you’ll get the same lecture.
  • Mohnenkuchen
    Ich höre gerne die Podcast von Euch, aber leider nicht wenn ihr Wörter benutzt, die nicht für Kknder sind. Konnte diese Folge nicht zuhören. Mag die schimpf Wörter nicht
  • bbstd2129
    Schöner Podcast. Es ist aber nicht für der Anfänger.
  • eittaf
    cooler podcast!
    Vielen dank, Cari und Manuel! Der Podcast ist fantastisch 🫶
  • Google has
    I thought this app would help you learn how to speak German, but this is for advanced, and it is not easy because they are speaking German don’t listen to it🤮🤮🤮🤮👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾
  • ...jolene...
    Learn German??
    How is this a Learn German podcast? You have to be fluent in German to listen to it.
  • K. Hoh
    Love the podcast
    Since discovering Easy German, I have begun listening to this podcast to just “swim” in this language daily. On top of language familiarity purposes, I simply love and look forward to the topics and conversations. Thank you so much!
  • ingrid_t
    Viel Herz und Humor
    Manuel and Cari's conversations have so much heart and humor! I was born in the US to German parents, and this is the perfect way to keep up with German culture and slang. If you are financially able, I highly recommend membership for access to the Vocab Helper and bonus chat at the end of the podcast. And, of course, to support the wonderful Easy German team.
  • KhalilSalimi
    Easy Erst Deutsch Freund
    Mit Easy habe ich angefangen. Und nach 3 Jahren sind wir noch gute Freund.
  • Chattasteff
    Sympathisch und informativ
    Und auch noch lustig dazu! Als deutsche, die schon lange in Amerika lebt, ist diese Sendung ein willkommene Begleiter. Vielen Dank an alle, die diese Podcast möglich machen.
  • 40+mom
    NOT for beginners learning German
    This would be great if I already knew German. But I don’t. I’m trying to learn it.
  • Mariam Ge
    Ich liebe diesen Podcast. Die Themen, über die Cari und Manuel sprechen, sind immer sehr interessant und abwechslungsreich. Ich lerne Deutsch und habe viele Dinge von Easy German gelernt. Ich höre diesen Podcast, wenn ich pendle und es macht meinen Weg zur Arbeit oder Universität lustig und produktiv.
  • B.E.P.2012
    Ich spreche schon Deutsch.
  • Dirty Haute
    Great content from amazing people
    This podcast is an incredibly entertaining resource for practicing German! Cari's laugh always brings a smile to my face. Manuel's approach to life drives me to stretch my own perspectives. Janusz is the salt of the earth. The episodes are filled with good attitudes and interesting conversation. What more could you ask for? More!
  • vdmcdonald
    Excellent! Fun and Interesting
    I am so grateful to my German tudor who first recommend the Easy German Youtube videos to me in May of this year! I later discoverd that they also hosted a podcast which I was thrilled to discover as I have way more time to listen to podcasts than to watch videos. It has been so increadibly helpful to me in improving my German. It was really the missing piece in my learning. The hosts are adorable. I love their personalities. Manuell is the serious, studious German and Cari is the comic relief. But they are both clearly very intellegent and take the job seriously. They are a fantastic pair. I also love to hear from Cari's husband Janusz takes part in the podcast. The topics are varied and interesting. This is very important as a language learner. There are new expressions and vocabulary for me to learn in every episode! The vocab helper and transcripts are invaluable. I HIGHLY reccomend this podcast to anyone who would like to improve their german or just learn more about the german culture and people while being entertained. ~Victoria
  • Lehtinen, R
    Fun and Educational
    Cari and Manuel do a superb job of relaying understandable, yet challenging, German language content in a fun and entertaining way. I learn something new with every show and eagerly look forward to each episode. This podcast is an excellent vehicle to help integrate more German language content into my daily life. Keep it up guys — you rock!
  • MrMan223
    Easy German
    This podcast is wide ranging in topics and very enjoyable. I think it’s best for those with intermediate German with a wide vocabulary. It is very well done and the hosts are good company.
  • Everyone’s a Mensch!
    Fun and Fair
    You’re in good hands with Cari, Manuel and company. Their forthright and good natured conversation makes it easy to listen and learn!
  • red4haur
    Excellent resource and entertaining
    I love the Easy German podcast and the Youtube videos as well. Great content and super helpful at learning German and speaking German. Thanks you so much for all that you guys put into them both.
  • Desertdance85
    This podcast made me fall in love with German again
    This podcast makes me glad I learned german years ago. I love the hosts they are such nice people and I love their content and thoughts on anything!!... Yes, you probably do need to be at last slightly interested in Germany or at least the German language to enjoy the podcast but they make it so easy to do so. My German is actually not that bad actually but I have not been using it actively or frequently for a long time so I am trying to use this podcast to get back into the groove so that I get better. (Maybe teach my 10 month old German one day or at least get him interested.) I always hear some words that I need to look up. I listen to the podcasts multiple times sometimes which kind of acts like a quiz (do I remember that word?) And since I stopped strictly learning German grammar long time ago, it helps to hear German sentence structures. Love these people. If you want to practice listening to German and you do not listen to this podcast, you are missing out. They occasionally will use English words which makes me wish I could head the German for that but I guess that is the reality of life in Germany these days: people use English words.
  • LienzAustria
    Alter Schwede
    You can’t learn German without Cari und Manuel. Danke!
  • der amerikanische Typ
    Great German podcast
    Very professional German language podcast. Entertaining and great extras for Patreon members. I use the podcast to reinforce what I've already learned and to increase my vocabulary. There is a translator that you can turn on, as a Patreon member, to catch words or phrases you may have missed.
  • M_Gell
    Always informative and fun
    As a German teacher, I'm always looking for good podcasts for my students' listening comprehension. These are some of the very best. Cari and Manuel are always knowledgeable, well prepared, and lots of fun. I eagerly look forward to their podcasts twice a week and am never disappointed...whether the subject matter is Crypto currency, the elections, or how Germans make their beds. Thank you for putting your hearts and souls into these podcasts! PS: I love your laughter, Cari!
  • Ballsox
    Thanks for helping me keep up with my German skills in a easy to follow, interesting, and engaging way!
  • thisnicknameistaken2
    Einfach wunderbar!
    What a wonderful way to spend 30 to 40 minutes of your day. I came originally for the German language practice, but have been coming back episode after episode just to spend time with Cari and Manuel, the podcast‘s ever upbeat and lovable hosts. What would I do without Easy German?
  • IHateToast
    Perfect for relearning or remembering
    I majored in German but after so many years, I forgot. Or, rather, I forgot where I stored my vocabulary and grammar. This podcast has been great to dust it off. It’s not too slow and obviously not too fast. The topics are interesting; the hosts and guests are fun; and it’s a great Blick into the culture.
  • Ekgpress
    By Far — The BEST Language Podcast I’ve Heard!
    I fancy myself as an “amateur polyglot” — up to 7 foreign languages that I have been studying on my own for personal self-interest. The Easy German Podcast is BY FAR the BEST podcast I have found in any of those languages. Carrie and Manuel are both OUTSTANDING, as are other members of the Team. I look forward to each new episode (currently 2 per week) — because Easy German is always FUN to listen to — it is educational (covers the spectrum of interesting topics relating to Germany and the world) — as well as absolutely SUPERB for maintaining (and improving) one’s level of German, spoken by natives at a normal speed — but with FULL transcript (and amazing instant transcript translator) which is invaluable to me as an intermediate (~ B-2 level) but definitely not fluent German speaker. I cannot recommend this Podcast highly enough — You’ll LOVE it! — :)
  • clcl41200
    Unglaublich gut
    Can’t say enough about this. Ich spreche mit meinen Freunden und meiner Familie über Cari, Manuel und Janusch, als ob sie meine besten Freunde wären, lol. Wirklich süß, unterhaltsam und hilfreich, wenn man ihnen zuhört.
  • Melafox5
    „Ne“ Auf Georgisch
    Auf Georgisch sagt man am Satzende- „ara?“
  • D Haj
    Fun and easy way to learn German
    I wish I’d had this podcast back in the 80s when I was studying German in college, but better late than never! My German is much better now than it ever was then, mostly because of Easy German. The podcasts, transcripts, real-time vocabulary, the videos, makes it all so easy and interesting. Thanks Cari, Manuel and Janusz! I now have a son in college who is majoring in German, and he listens too. Great resource for any age learner.
  • Sophoklizzle
    Wirklich der Hammer
    Entweder Du Anfänger oder schon Forgeschritten bist, ist dieser Podcast der beste allerwelt. Man gewöhnt sich an der Sprache, indem man zwei klugen, lustigen Menschen zuhört, während sie meistens rumquastchen, passen aber auch auf die Bedürfnisse ihres deutschlernendes Publikums auf. Die 30-minutige Länge des Podcasts ist zum Lernen gut geeignet, aber sie sind so unterhaltsam dass ich hin und wieder zwei am Stück anhöre. Sie laden gelegentlich Gäste ein, die entweder auch Lehrer oder eben halt interessanten Menschen sind. Ich höre seit fast ein Jahr, glaube ich, und meine Zuversicht beim Deutschsprechen steigert mega. Danke ihr beiden!
  • AbbyOzols
    Like hanging out with friends
    Excellent podcast for learning or refreshing your German! The hosts are funny, interesting and comfortable. Lots of interesting topics are discussed and the hosts explain different vocabulary and grammar situations, along with answering listener questions. I highly recommend!
  • Xinqing Lu
    The best German learning podcast
    Easy German is my favorite language learning tool, and also a gateway to German culture and society. It is highly recommended. I started learning German 1 year ago and started listening to Easy German already at A2 level (after 2 month of German learning). At that point I heavily rely on the script and the vocabulary helper (which only cost 2 euro per week). Cari and Manuel have extremely clear pronunciation and a perfect speed of speaking. With the help of easy German, my German level improved quickly and now I am also studying B2. Even now I can understand every episode perfectly, I still enjoy listening to every episode of the podcast to learn more about German culture, society, politics and the people. Cari, Manuel and Janusz are a family and they built a Fantastic and loving community. I sometimes feel that I am a part of a big family too!
  • greeNCPAriessss
    Fantastisch, aufgezeichnet, wunderbar, super zum Deutschlernen
    Mit deutlich gesprochenem Deutsch, zeigen uns Cari und Manuel (und manchmal Janusz) das Leben in Deutschland und Europa. Die Podcasts sind voller Witz, Spaß und Ehrlichkeit. Zu den Easy German YouTube Videos ist das Podcast eine perfekte Ergänzung, wodurch ich die Leute hinter der Kamera stehen besser kennenlernen können. Vielen Dank für das Produzieren!
  • was geht ?:D
    Nach Episode 131
    Ich find‘s erstes krass wie ihr den Podcast entwickelt habt, zweitens wie richtig nützlich der Podcast ist, wobei ich halt gerade in Budapest wohne wo man eben kaum Menschen treffen kann(wie in anderen Ländern auch) noch extremer ist dass wir momentan ne Sperrstunde haben, die bis Februar verlängert wurde. Vielleicht keine passende Überleitung zu meiner Bewertung aber ich wollte eben sagen ich fühl mich nicht so alleine derzeit weil ich eure Stimmen fast jeden Tag zu hören beim Frühstück oder beim Essen generell. Toller Podcast von netten Leuten die mir krass geholfen haben meine Sprachkenntnisse nicht zu verlieren und ja die Sprache so oft wie möglich zu hören und zu üben. Übrigens : ich lerne deutsch seit knapp 2 Jahren und höre den Podcast seit der ersten Episode (since day one haha) Ich würde mich total freuen wenn ihr das lest und vielleicht auch in die nächste Episode rein schmeißt :D Viel Erfolg und bleibt mal gesund ! Ali aus Alexandria (lebe momentan in Ungarn)
  • E27182818
    Hilfreich, interessant, perfektes Niveau
    Dieser Podcast ist einfach großartig. Es macht viel Spaß, sich ihn anzuhören, weil die Gastgeber authentisch, lustig, und sympathisch sind und über interessante Themen sprechen. Dabei lernt man aber nicht nur neue Ausdrücke und Vokabeln, sondern man lernt auch viel über die deutsche Kultur und die aktuelle Geschehnisse in Deutschland, die in einer verständlichen Art erklärt werden. Dieser Podcast hat auch als mein "Übergangspodcast" gedient: als ich anfing, mir ihn anzuhören, konnte ich ihn mit ziemlicher Mühe zum größten Teil verstehen, aber andere deutsche Podcasts, die nicht für Deutschlernende geeignet waren, konnte ich kaum verstehen. Doch nach einigen Monaten konnte ich das Easy-German-Podcast sehr leicht verstehen, und Podcasts, die nicht für Deutschlernende geeignet sind, konnte ich mit etwas Mühe größtenteils verstehen. Ich bin sehr dankbar dafür, dass dieser Podcast mir eine ganze neue Podcast-Welt eröffnet hat. (Obwohl ich aber jetzt auch andere deutschsprachige Podcasts verstehen kann und mir anhöre, höre ich mir immer noch das Easy-German-Podcast an, weil er so toll ist.)
  • Claxon_
    Listen, learn German and laugh!
    I love this podcast. The topics are diverse and interesting. Manuel is steady and calm while Cari is laughing and fun. Both are insightful and their accents are super easy to understand. I put it on in the background while I cook or clean the kitchen and learn something and laugh every time.
  • GermanyGirlPNW
    Friendliest German Podcast Ever!
    Easy German is a worldwide community of people who learn and speak German, who enjoy hanging out with Cari and Manuel 3x a week. And sometimes Janusz, who brings a little philosophy to the mix of current-events discussions, and family chit-chat. Tip: Cari and Janusz are married, and Manuel is Janusz’ son. They are thoughtful and prepared, and move naturally through light and heavy themes, based on their daily lives and what is happening in Berlin, Germany, Europe, and the world. You add friends and laughter to your life, when you add this podcast, regardless of your german-language level.
  • Lmlangf
    Amazing for passive learning
    This is the perfect podcast to put on while you’re cooking, cleaning, walking, etc. to improve your German skills! Cari and Manuel are funny and charismatic and they touch upon lots of interesting and topical themes.
  • Where are the articles?
    German language immersion
    Cari and manuel speak in well articulated and upbeat tones about topics relevant to German language learners. Even beginners will benefit from listening to the pattern and rhythm of their dialogue.
  • freund aus Amerika
    Verzaubert von Trump
    Politik bitte vermeiden!
  • danielarana.20nov
    Just Perfect.
    If I could give it more stars, I would. They provide an entertaining podcast that: conveys the culture of the German people, informs you about current world events, explains how to go about your day in Germany and ponders on philosophical topics. I believe it is suited for mostly everyone; no matter your level in German. For beginners, it can help you learn the language by acquisition (kind of how a baby naturally learns a language). For intermediate and advanced Garman-learners, it can help you learn more specific jargon (vocab) and improve your pronunciation. You have no idea how grateful I am to the whole East German Team. Saludos desde Santa Cruz, Bolivia 🇧🇴❤️
  • BEST German learning podcast
    BEST German learning podcast...EVER!
    As a linguist, I can vouch for how professional, informative, and entertaining this podcast is. The content is fresh, regularly updated, and relevant. You will fall in love with the podcasters here as you improve your German with every listen. This is a real gem. Highly recommend.
    Just found this and it’s my new favorite. I’m able to listen at a good half-way point where the conversation is clear and at a nice speed—previously I was having trouble listening to either very slow for beginners or too fast; this is a good middle ground.
  • No nick for now
    Really helpful
    As a long time German student, who is still far from fluent, I consider the podcast incredibly useful. The authors do a great job in preparing them and it is certainly a wonderful tool for listening exercise and vocabulary development.
  • Consoled 7
    Awesome podcast!
    I wish there were more podcasts like this one. The theme Cari and Manuel choose are interesting and I feel like this has really bettered my German learning . I really like the segment with Janusch (spelling??) he makes me laugh so much. Thank you guts for making this podcast 🤗
  • JohnAGoldsmith
    Vielen Dank
    Genau, was ich brauchte: ein Gelegenheit Deutsch zu lernen, zu üben, in einem natürlichen Kontext, mit netten Leute ! Wurde sofort Mitglied.
  • Mobjack11
    I love this podcast! The two hosts have a great rapport. Even though their speech seems to be at a level that they use normally between two native speakers, it is very clear and easy to understand. I find it to be entertaining and very helpful.
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