Redacted News


We all want to be informed; our constitutional “right to know” should not be compromised by media-driven falsehoods and corporate storylines. Redacted, with Natali and Clayton Morris, is a concerted effort to save the truth, preserve information, and fight propaganda.Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.Silence = Complicity

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Recent Reviews
  • #lovewisdom❤️
    Conspiracy theorist idiots
  • CropLogic
    Accidentally libertarian?
    Love this show, aligns with my values really well. Sometimes it seems that they are guilty of a little hyperbole and sensationalism but not enough that I can’t forgive it. They delve into stories that hardly anyone else think to explore. Thank you to the redacted team for all your work. God bless!
  • Geeeeeeeeeesus
    Tell the truth
    Iran and it’s proxies have always stated their goals as death to Israel and death to America. They have infiltrated all of Europe and the United States. The United States should have never allowed them to exist. Israel is fighting for its survival. Like bibi has stated multiple times if Israel’s enemies would lay down their weapons their would be no war; but if Israel laid down their weapons their would be no Israel. WW3 will happen just as it has been written. The Bible explains what happens to all the enemies of Israel. God also said Israel is the apple of his eye. His chosen people. God tells the end from the beginning and most of what he said has already happened exactly how it has been written. Stop repeating lies from the antisemitic media that is dominating the worlds fake demonic news Instead talk about the evil that has been done to Israel. Just like the Bible foretold ; in the end the whole world will turn against Israel. Enemies of Israel are the devils pawns and they will bring about the one world government just like it’s been written. Until Jesus returns !
  • review 87
    Great work!
    Just wanted to say I’m very thankful for what you guys and gals do for the public. Your content in my opinion is right on. Keep going, and may the LORD bless your journey even more. Love y’all ( yes from Texas)
  • Wrong side!
    Volume level is not right.
    Volume level is not right. Someone needs to boost their mics up
  • KB1130
    Not my favorite podcast anymore
    I’ve long thought that Clayton and Natalie are amazing. They make a great news team. I don’t listen that often anymore, though, because every single podcast title is “hair on fire, buy gold or die penniless, the world is ending right this second” dramatic. Their lead stories are great, but I’ve lost confidence in them as a news team after endless overblown episode titles. It seems gimmicky, like clickbait. It is harder to trust them because of this. Yes, there are a lot of things going terribly wrong in our world. Yes, there are endless reasons to be very concerned about the future. That doesn’t mean that the worst possible thing is imminent, every single day. You can cover the news without the clickbait titles.
  • GunnziLLa19
    Great show full of information and unbiased reporting.
  • Gfghcggh
    America is not the World’s “Boogie Man”.
    I found the show hosted by Clayton and Natali to be disappointingly biased. It lacked balanced perspectives and often leaned towards sensationalism, rather than providing thoughtful analysis. The hosts appeared more focused on promoting their own viewpoints, rather than fostering productive discussions. Despite their frequent assertion that “we have no agenda,” it’s clear that everyone has some kind of bias. I wish Clayton and Natali were more transparent about theirs. As expatriates, they may harbor some resentment towards their home country, America. However, it’s important to remember that America is not the sole source of all global issues. In many of their stories, they portray the US Government as the omnipresent “Boogie Man,” with everyone else cast as the victim. While they do cover news stories that aren’t always mainstream, they often invite the same guests to discuss the same topics. This would be acceptable if there were diverse opinions on subjects like Ukraine, China, or Russia. Overall, the listening experience was less than satisfactory due to these factors. I hope for more balanced and varied content in the future.
  • Six6Gun Patriot
    Hit the mark…occasionally.
    Redacted is dead on sometimes, and completely and utterly miss the bullseye other times. Listen with eyes wide open, don’t let this be your only source of information.
  • Volcom4042
    Great show
    Great show about stories not covered in the news, my only critique would be every topic covered is doom and gloom, would be cool to get a somewhat positive story or opinion occasionally.
  • Jim Crutch
    Great info!
    Love the information and the “feel” of the show.
  • AJG1975
    Great show!
    Thank you for giving us the truth! Keep up the great work!
  • TreeNah83
    My husband and I love this show!
    I would give it 5 stars but sometimes the language can be a little rough. I like what they talk about and most of it is not covered by main streamed media. My husband teaches government and he likes hearing what Redacted has to say about different topics. Great show.
  • Watchful Protector 2022
    Love the Show!
    Great show! Actual honest journalism. Love that they don't bend the knee to mainstream narratives and call balls and strikes fairly. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
  • Cherries626
    Great podcast
    Wish Apple would have all episodes. I don't always agree but I greatly appreciate hearing the different views for what is going on around us.
  • Chuck'l' berry
    Love this program
    Love what yall are doing. You’re a part of the select few who are telling the truth!!
  • Buggersugar
    Fresh perspective
    Love the direction, keep it up the world needs the change!
  • Memay4367832
    Your episode with that antisemitic terrorist supporter was enough for me. I’ll never listen to this podcast again. You both are disgusting.
  • hhhahhhaaa
    Keep it up you two.
    Thanks for all the work you all do. You have to love what you do in this line of work. I can only imagine some of the push you get from some listeners. A 5⭐️ rating is what you and your team deserve.
  • beautyforhomes
    Been following these two for a while
    I’m very impressed by this team of journalists who do their homework to bring the best report of the news. I pan across a large number of news sources and find that they present facts without all the FLUFF and longgggggg suffering ads and jibber jabber that I can hardly tolerate. Sometimes I have to get through 25 minted of ego driven talk To get 5 minutes of real meat. I’ve stopped following several who talk to themselves and treat it like a hobby. Here you get ALL the meat right there. I get the ads are needed, but as authentic journalists Clay and Natalie are brief and targeted professionals. I appreciate it greatly as I don’t have time for fluff. Also, please share Natalie’s professional background and the whole team. As a woman, I want to see more authentic unbiased female journalists.You all are true professionals. As a marketing person, I’d suggest you all, like a small handful of others have a direct to the point news product.The rest are truly “jibber jabber” citizen journalism. Thank you for serving filet mignon of truth bombs every single show!
  • texastwoguns
    Five star show breaking news
    Amazing hosts
  • Ravensdan
    No updates since August 15?
  • Twobeernuts
    Want Real News?
    Then you can find it here. Can’t appreciate Natali and Clayton enough for their work bringing real news that I’ve come to trust. While they do share their strong opinions, they ask legitimate questions that I mostly agree are the relevant question we all should care about. Kudos to this first class show that I rely on for my news.
    Facts and not fiction
    If you want facts and not fiction Redacted is one of the best podcasts to get your news from. I listen to a handful who report real news and this is one of my favorite podcasts. I used to watch Clayton back in his Philly days and when I found this podcast I was curious because of Clayton. Glad I found Natali and Clayton!
    We have 20 days of heat over 110 in Phoenix az today it hit 118 🔥🔥🔥
  • Big Rickesco
    Always look forward to hear your excellent Podcast. You guys are great!!!
  • Kotionka
    Great content
    I appreciate Natalie and Clayton’s reporting, and sense of humor, and enjoy listening to this podcast. I wish it was more consistently posted. For example this week there are only 2 episodes - one for Tuesday and one for Wednesday, but there’s nothing for Monday or Thursday. I know the show runs Monday - Thursday.
  • TKBorgo
    Always listen
    Always love Clayton but really LOVE NATALY
  • Adi-77
    What happened?
    What happened to the show? Did they block you guys
  • Berto Vance
    Where are you?
    Have you decided to cancel the podcast?
  • Caden Liams
    Censorship is Unamerican!
    Fore Fathers protected us , now what????
  • Gnome chopper
    I love the female anchor on this news show. She is based and awesome!! So smart and erudite.
  • oldkool21
    Great !!
    Just found this podcast . Love both of your insights and thoughts. Refreshing ideas not found anymore on Fox News . Intriguing discussions and guests. Now my #1 go to podcast on my morning walk !
  • aajamurray
    Great podcast
    Love the Rumble/ YouTube channel, glad to have it as a podcast too!
  • MoMoneyRiUp
    Natali Morris….
    I need her to start a book club. And Clayton is hilarious.
  • jonsey81
    Good show
    Probably the best sister and brother duo in news!
  • Debthemom
    Recommend this
    I enjoy the content of the show, although I think there are sometimes legitimate reasons for war. One thing that aggravates me is that you seem to forget that some of us listen via podcast, and when you play extended clips with a non English language, we are listening to several minutes of content we don’t understand.
  • Jmen37
    Failed Entitled Princess
    I listened until she snapped at her husband because she felt her opinion was more important than an alternate point of view. Pound salt.
  • Buggy Sprint
    Background check
    Before I take someone’s point of view I want to know their real life values. I understand mistakes, and will gladly overlook them if they are admitted and corrected within reason. If the mistakes are not owned up to then that’s a hard no on the character test. The mistakes may have been blatant fraud and deceit, I don’t have enough evidence to make that call. Many people lost hundreds of thousands of dollars is a known fact. I suggest you do a quick review of this guy.
  • Zoosk'stheworst
    Natalie please stop interrupting
    Let the show breath. Not every take requires a “Devils advocate” point of view. Your opinions are painful, calling Djokovic a “sexist” with no context or evidence is ridiculous,
    They Prefer to Criticize America Than Anything
    I don’t like the status quo media, because you normally don’t get most of the truth, so I thought these guys would be good to listen to. However, I got sick of the constant whining about how bad America is because we interfere with other countries. I worked in the federal government for years and I have a lot of criticisms of our government myself, but that seemed to be their automatic reaction to things was to blame their own country.
  • 😉💙🙃
    December 4, 2022
    Plant based garbage? Vegan, vegetarian diets are not garbage. You obviously have never eaten Australian Spring lamb. I don’t know what to think about your show.
  • Dib
    I enjoy the factual content, BUT…
    I enjoy the anti-msm news, but I’m getting to the point where the constant interruptions by the producer is going to force me to tune out. His comments are often factually wrong and always annoying. Please be quiet and allow the host to speak uninterrupted.
  • CaliNate101
    Finally some non-agenda information
    I’ve been looking for some non-MSM propaganda news and so far this is it.
  • Jeff #124
    Weekly Redacted Roundup
    You two put out a lot of important content, but a daily 2 +/- hour show is too much for me—and I have to think for many others as well—to keep up with, and I end up missing a lot of important information. Have you thought of doing a weekly 1 +/- hour summation of the week’s most important stories? I would listen to every one of those shows without fail. Thank you for the work you are doing.
  • eliz1221
    Natalie you’re painful.
    Novak Djokovic a sexist?? To say that with no knowledge or evidence is absurd.
  • della63
    One sided uncomfortableness members only
    I am a member and can login into the morning invest show everyday. I can write a chat but I am the only one that sees it. They have banned anyone else from seeing it. So I am not part of the discussion. A few weeks ago David didn’t like my view on a subject so I guess he decided to band my comments from everyone else. Looks to me only the members can be uncomfortable but not the hosts. Love the show but be careful of what you say because they will end it for you if they disagree.
  • leif bass
    Thank you.
    Please. I come to you for news. I love the news! Love your takes! I can complain in a mirror to hear what your cohost says. Thanks again
  • Bryanbeckel
    Great content, when he’s actually talking about it
    As far as being an informative podcast it does a great job, but the shows are way too long and a lot of them are filled with fluff. He spends too much time chatting with his premium subscribers in the chat box, and there are times where he’s just repeating the same thing and surrounded by some dead air. Sorry just doesn’t hold my attention as well as some other journalist podcasts
  • djwankywitz
    Great Channel!
    If you’re tired of the media cess pool, give this podcast a listen 👍 Great source of news that discusses both sides of the spectrum.
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