The Stew Peters Show

Politics #93

Get the MOST out of Stew at StewPeters.tvOriginating from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota, Stew first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannel radio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB. His biggest influence was a group of high-powered personalities that were all on the roster at the powerhouse station including Tone-E-Fly, Scotty Davis, Zannie K and Dave Ryan. Stew answered and screened phones like a champ, assisted with running breakfast to the morning show, and occasionally got to be in the on-air studio. Very occasionally.With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again.The best is yet to come.ON-AIR HOSTE-mail: stew@thepcradioshow.comPhone: 877-45-WARRIORStew Peters is not a radio legend, but he will tell you he is!

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  • Thought criminal3004
    I have been listening to Stew for a couple of years, now and I’ve noticed that a couple of KEY interviews have gone missing. Any idea what happened to them? Things that make you go, “Hmm…” What happened to almost 200 episodes?
    I just came across this diamond in the rough. Never have I heard so much sensationalist extremism rolled up into bite sizes balls that gets me through my work day. it’s just as entertaining as it is fantastical. A real insight into a splinter culture in America. Keep up the good work.
  • Caramel Toby
    Populistic rhetoric
    And most guests can not support their claims with factual evidence.
  • Firecracker Fit-Life Squad
    Honest Reflection & Humility
    I have been a regular listener to Stew Peters show, for over a few years, since after the theatrics with “Covid” began. I have applauded some of the exposure that has come from this channel and shared with others. Lately, I have less desire to listen to Stew Peters. I’m a follower of Christ, a black woman (who doesn’t put my race first) and I am conservative. However, Stew seems to becoming off as more racist, although I don’t believe that he realizes it. It is a turn-off from some of us, who have been supporting your channel. Believers, we need to realize the enemy loves trying to spark a race war, to cause division, it’s imperative that we keep it humble, check our hearts, and not fall for his tactics. In addition, there is nothing wrong with righteous anger, but we are ambassadors of Christ, and need to make sure that our lives and characters reflect Christ! I like Stew’s boldness and heart for the children, I pray that God’s will be done in his life!
  • Tamgram06
    Stay STRONG!🙏🏻
    Keep speaking truth, we the people, need courageous people like you! Thank you!
  • wcu252
    Keep Fighting the Good Fight
    Never back down, Stew! I hope that you’ll eventually write a book one day
  • GreenAkers03
    Blatant Anti Semite
    For this to be a supposed Christian, he is a blatant Anti Semite. I’m not sure what he thinks, but if He thinks those aren’t God’s people, he needs to pick up his Bible and read it more carefully. All of these prophetic events wouldn’t be happening if the true Jews were not back in their land. The land of Israel also wouldn’t be flourishing as it is if they weren’t. God said the land would be brought back to life once they came back, and it has. It used to be an actual waste land, now it’s like an oasis in the desert. He also needs to remember that Jesus was a Jew and what God said to Abraham, ‘I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you’. Isn’t it weird how the only time the US is prospering is when we are pro Israel? We are now being judged for being anti Israel. Everyone needs to remember this when they stand before God and have to give an account for why they treated the apple of His eye the way they did. You also have to explain why you’ve called Him a liar if you think He’s broken His ‘everlasting’ covenant with them.
  • Moon Tea
    This guy is fearless. One of a few who tells it like it is, and talks about those who rules us, he will be cancelled by them soon unfortunately
  • jlo120
    To Many Commercials
    Good podcasts, but way to many Commercials. Sorry but that’s the Truth……
  • groovy squirrel
    Seditious hypocrisy, steaming & stinking!
    Stewed excrement, nothing more.
  • CannaRev
    Stew Peters
    This Chanel is the absolute BEST! Christian, honest, up to date information broadcast thru intelligent, easily understood people. Common sense with a wholesome delivery! This is my go to for any current events. Grateful for this platform!!!!
  • rmoutard
    LoveIT 🙏🙏🙏
  • Damolhorn
    Stew is a grifter
    Stew throws things at the wall and accises innocent people with zero evidence whatsoever. He’s also a blatant anti-Semite
  • Wrong side!
    Stu, since there is no way to contact you! I'll write a review
    Stu, you are on the wrong side on Israel. The reason we should support Israel is because those people are coming for the Christians next!! Wake up!
  • DC5237
    Thank you
    Ephesians 6:11-18 King James Version 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
  • Cheryl homes
    Zionist Aquarians. They don’t teach you that part of history because you’re not supposed to know about the Kazarian‘s who did Kurt kill Jesus because it would be scandalous. They’re not real Jews they adopted Jewison to keep from getting attacked by marauding tribes. The Kazarian nation wasn’t Persia around turkey, Ukraine, Russia. My great grandfather is Russian Jew, but not Ashkenazy Ashkenazy Jews, I Kazarian‘s like Prager
  • Hitman1965
    Outstanding podcast for anyone searching for the truth
    Best podcast out there hands down. Love this show.
  • Elle*Luck
    Stew Peters tells the truth.
    If you are put off by the delivery of Stew Peters then try your best to listen to the truth he delivers and the facts he is delivering. He is truly unafraid to go head to head and open himself to ridicule. He is a man of of God (big G) and delivers facts through his guests, experts and real everyday people who have been awakened to the the deep state and fake mockingbird media. He was difficult to digest for me in the beginning. But I am very excited on daily basis to hear the truth from this podcast and his network. I am a Christian and I follow the word of God and his son my Lord and Savior . If you are seeking the truth listen to this podcast. It’s informative, truth filled and unapologetic. Thank you Stew, for giving your platform to the Almighty.
  • Kjindigo
    Aggression over substance
    Kind of a bully. If you know your material and can back up your points you don’t need to be so hostile and aggressive. It isn’t an effective tactic to be heard for the substance of what you’re saying. There are plenty of people who are passionate, effective communicators who never yell at people or act aggressive. I hope he isn’t that way at home. Wonder if there are restraining orders out there…..seriously, get a grip
  • BodybuildingNerdsRadio
    Controlled opposition
    This is all enlightening and against the mainstream narrative, but fails to tell the actual truth about viruses and scamdemics and the orchestration of all of this by the western central banks. This podcast is most likely just controlled opposition.
  • Raemi95
    Hate filled and egotistical… reign in the pride
    Stew… Truth prevails! BBC should be embarrassed. Is Rachel even on the payroll after that epic fail?!!!
  • SusieQandDeucieToo
    Stop interrupting your guests
    I love Stew’s passion but I’m almost done listening to this podcast because he continues to interrupt his guests to give his ongoing talking points monologue. It’s very frustrating when I’m trying to catch what the guest is saying but Stew interrupts to repeat HIS buzz word talking points.
  • M T Jake
    Stew is a True American
    Thank you Stew for having the courage to speak the truth. There are very few real men these days. I find that there are more women that have the guts to stand up against the evil corruption and hold strong and true than these pansy men. God Bless you Stew and your team. Pray for our country and the whole world.
  • cxzvnnn
    Very insightful
    I really appreciate your revelation of truth in truthless times but I really wish you would be a bit more careful with your words so that they are a bit more Christian like. 🥺 I know the headlines are enraging but please don’t blow up...And since we are living in the LAST DAYS we should be looking up more than getting super angry at the corruption. Even though that is true, we also should know the happenings around us but that shouldn’t be our main focus. Again thank you for standing up for the truth! I really do appreciate you!!
  • JMoisesT
    Stew is a true patriot!!
    Thank you for speaking truth Stew!! God bless you your family and everyone at the Stew Peters Network!!
  • TruthWins01
    Someone with a Spine
    In a world of false information being spewed from every mainstream media outlet, in every direction, at every moment, Stew Peters is a ray of hope. Someone who isn’t afraid to call out the Deep State or any of their puppets. It’s hard to find any truth other than the Christian Bible these days…but rest assured, it can be found here. Highly recommended.
  • ANM_333
    Unapologetic, unafraid, & unstoppable
    Stew is the real deal! Love his show!
  • Bobbie & Jeremy
    I love Stew but don’t like him bashing Trump
    I listen to the show when Stew is there but turn it off when that lady fills in, she seems nice but it doesn’t flow well with her. Now, I love this podcast but I’m really sick of him bashing Trump bc he isn’t getting J6-ers out of jail, it was made clear a long time ago his attorneys told him to not get involved. The democrats & RINOS are just itching to charge him for something from that day. Trump cares about people and he would get them all out. Do better Stew
  • Grammy4God
    You’re a warrior
    Stew you bring truth no matter how hard it is to hear. It’s so necessary and the death shots should be front page news every day but of course it’s not. I’m so angry that people are still being lied to with no end in sight. I pray every day for it to come out and I know someday it will. Your passion about the “vaccine” is so important! I pray for you and thank God for you every day. You’ll receive many crowns in heaven and I hope I’ll see you there someday. Keep fighting the good fight Stew! We need a lot more men like you in this world. God bless and thank you!!
  • globalrapture
    Great show
    Stew is above and beyond a patriot assuming he’s real he’s fantastic
  • wayneteck1
    Filled with information for a healthy successful life! Love Stew Peters
  • Post-op Recovery
    Sharing Truth
    I don’t miss an episode of the SPS. I just shared episode 474, Died Suddenly, on facebook. Might put me in facebook jail. Don’t care.
  • BreWil621
    Almost 5 Stars
    I’d give 5 stars for information, but the word choices made by Mr. Peters can be objectionable, to say the least. I am no shrinking liberal, but the chosen words sometimes cause me to turn the program off.
  • gfrlfy64
    Listen to this man!!!
    So refreshing there are Christian fighters out there!!! Thanks Stew!!!
  • Tadada3
    Hard Truths
    Stu does interviews with experts and laymen alike. Always sharing interesting and sometimes frightening information. His show has some hard truths. So much so that it can be overwhelming because it’s so dark. Cannot listen very often. It’s hard on the soul.
  • OrionKevin
    Rappin’ Stew is a GRIFTER!
    This paranoid conspiracy nonsense is a complete joke. Rappin’ Stew makes conservatives look like a bunch of nut jobs. He saw how Alex Jones got rich (spewing conspiracies to a gullible audience of hayseeds and then sell them products out the yin-yang)…and all he’s doing is copying him. Stick with credible sources of information, this guy is a complete clown.
  • Bigbossman215
    Since I found this bright beacon of God’s Light, I have been Stew-Crew!
  • look snd listen
    I listen often. People think he is crazy and yes, he wants the truth.
    I only listen to a few podcasts most are lies but Stew’s are not. He’s is accurate 95% of the time. He needs to do a show about why the CDC isn’t making Lyme Disease an epidemic since 300,000 people in America get very sick with Lyme. CDC refuses to approve meds that are known to work so we need to search for doctors who will treat Lyme but need to be careful so they don’t loose their license. After spending upwards of $60,000 out of pocket to get better 11 years ago, they still refuse to approve Lyme meds. Rumor is that it was designed for biowarfare and that our military wore permethrin treated uniforms in the Middle East to protect themselves from getting Lyme. And yes, there was a vaccine for Lyme and it actually caused Lyme and it was taken off the market as quickly as it went on the market. Politicians have been trying to kill off its people for centuries! Lyme is on the rise again and people have to get treatments in the black underworld market of physicians. They will treat you until your money runs out and then You need to find another doctor who is less expensive or one that is willing to work with insurance which is very rare. Stew we need more people like you. Stay safe and protect Your family, your faith and America!
  • James Rothstein
    This is crazy but true.
    I tell my friends he is crazy but always right. Listening from Chanhassen. Thanks for all you do!
  • Pamela 120
    My go to for cutting edge news
    Stew delivers critical information in a very captivating and relatable manner. His guests are very knowledgeable . Stew is fearless in exposing corruption that few are bold enough to talk about. His faith in Jesus Christ seals the deal for me . No matter how bad the news , is he reminds us of The Good News.
  • Beautiful 1 B
    Vonnie the truth seeker
    My dear daughter turned me on to the Stu Peters show. Outstanding powerful much needed podcast in this hour. Thanks Stu for your dedication and hard work and bringing us nothing but the truth, straight and no chaser. ♥️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏👍🏽.
  • vmdelaplaines
    Stew Peters
    Stew Peters is awesome, he is so passionate about the Lord , as well as informing us on What’s going in the world, especially since the media is woke!! Thank you ✝️❤️
  • RosyFVScamdemic
    Love the Stew Peters show!
    Thanks for all of the info that you provide, as well as all of the people doing the work behind the scenes! Too much craziness going on this world & it needs to be available for people to hear, so Spotify can kick rocks! Hope you continue this show for many years to come✨
  • midrashportzcova
    Stew’s Raps Rock!
    How dare that hospital hold their baby as leverage?
  • ExceptafterC
    Dominance on Demand: please show the correct web sight on screen. Can’t get to it. Thank you.
    How do you log on to Dominance on Demand? Can’t get to it. Please show website on screen. Love your show. 🎯👍🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸
  • AlNiCoBlu
    Great Show!
    Stew Peters is like what Tucker Carlson should be but is not.
  • Sig P320
    Come on Peters!
    CPS COME ON! If a Judge ordered a child go back to parents then the child is returned! Come on! Grounds must be established to remove a child. Come on! Provide proof of these ridiculous claims! As this woman talked she told you why her children were removed. Love alone won’t keep a child safe. Come on! There are no stipends to remove children. Provide proof. Ridiculous! DHS housing is Independent living services to help emancipating youth be successful. Do your Research!
  • dunbar2020
    Love your show
    I enjoy your show daily via Apple podcasts. I definitely have had questions about shedding etc, I’m a pure blood but spent a lot of time about a month ago with family that are all jabbed. I have been bleeding for a month after. It’s insane and hard. Thanks for giving as much info as you can on this.
  • keiththomasjackson
    Abby Johnson
    You call her a hero but according to your own logic she is actually a double murderer. You act and talk like human beings are in charge of bringing life into the world as well as taking life from the world. Then you say your a believer which might be true but you are a loser believer not a winner believer. Stop talking like your doing God’s work when you don’t even know God. If you want to know God have me on your show and maybe you will learn something about God!!!
  • PaulJ013
    Truth is hard to hear
    I’ve been listening to Stew Peters for over a year and all I can say is he’s the only one who had the biggest names an open platform for any opinion that has not sold out to the mainstream. All organic self funded so there no outside influence. Ex bounty Hunter and investigator h brings the receipts or demands them from his guests. He’s the real deal.
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