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ErewhomTo this has Britain fallenAs a former Briton I am relieved to have another passport when I listen to this podcast in hope of learning something useful about the determination of the British to commit collective suicide. A group of uninteresting MPs (perhaps they are more interesting than they appear on this program; who knows? They are not introduced as anything other than the Labour MP for Lands End) is allowed to present each party’s current policy. Occasionally one, usually Labour, will actually challenge the nonsense from another member, but otherwise we simply hear party policy regurgitated. And then, today, followed by a discussion of banners. How banal. Why should Britons pay nearly 200 pounds for this drivel? No wonder they voted for Brexit if this is the quality of information available to them. Two days later: the events of September 3rd illustrate how poor is this podcast. Nowhere did we hear any discussion that might foretell today’s events. There was no shaft of light, no serious discussion that had any relevance to the Johnson administration’s defeat in parliament. Shame on the BBC. Later: I thought I would give it another chance on October 6th, only to find that there was no sound after the introduction explaining that it was supported by advertising outside the “You Kay”. I guess the advertisers did not turn up?
fantasyfanzBiased bbc.I can’t stand it anymore. There was a time when the BBC earned the trust placed in it. No longer. Sad.
El NigitoUninformative spin sessionI figured this would be at least an informative program, being as it's from the BBC, but it only serves as a spin platform for useless partisans. The few minutes of actual value for any episode are vastly overshadowed by pathatically predictable party B.S. There is precious little content here that couldn't be absorbed in 30 second political ads, or less time consuming asinine editorials.
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