Slate Daily Feed


The Slate Daily feed includes new episodes from more than 30 shows in the Slate Podcast Network. You'll get thought provoking analysis, storytelling, and commentary on everything from news and politics to arts, culture, technology, and entertainment. Discover new shows you never knew you were missing.

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Recent Reviews
  • DrDK2
    TBD Tech and Gun Manufacturing
    Thought provoking discussion on marketing of guns. I hope the results of this lawsuit is that marketing guns to youth becomes illegal like tobacco and other harms.
  • Jakehtc
    David Plotz thinks he is objective
    But he is really a knee jerk apologist for liberalism. His constant exhortations about how fair minded he is while he takes swipes at progressives seems self hating and unnecessary. Exhausting to listen to and it is annoying the number of assumptions he makes about the listeners and how little he thinks of us. Emily Bazelon is the saving grace. John Dickerson tends to live in the same bubble as David.
  • LppCo
    Sound quality??
    Love the pod, but… What happened to the volume?? It’s so loud that it can hardly be heard.
  • Naturallychristina
    Duplicate fees
    Love most of the shows but why does the feed now have 3-4 versions of the exact same episode? It’s very annoying.
  • 173764ehsbd
    Obnoxious and ignorant
    The British host is arrogant. The two women lean on him for confidence. They all lack any real knowledge about what they discuss. It’s a toxic combination of arrogance and ignorance.
  • mij (jim spelled backwards)
    How about the working class ?
    More Progressive Liberal opinion. What about the working class ? What about, for example, the black sanitation men, “garbage men”, who pick up our trash, & without whom there would be disease & no “civilization” ? How about some stories about black cops & firefighters ? (I’m a 70 year old white West Point grad & retired USAF Flight Surgeon who is tired of reading endless stories for white hyper-educated Ivy League grads who don’t really care about the women & men who actually work for a living, at poverty wages & care more about “running the world” than the homeless & hungry without hope here in America.)
  • MFcreep
    Mark Meadows
    The lawmakers texting Mark Meadows about stealing the election are REPUBLICAN lawmakers.
  • CareBearJer
    Mike Pesca
    The Gist was stellar, but you let go the one unorthodox person at Slate. The remaining shows have only gotten worse since his departure.
  • brainslikepickles
    Not imPesc’ed
    After the deranged cancellation of their best show, Slate’s podcasts are an entertainment desert.
  • pbaragiola
    Going quickly downhill
    Slate podcasts keep getting worse and worse ( except the gabfest shows). There was a time when most slate podcast were great and competed against the best in the internet. No longer. The new management has taken these podcasts in a much worst direction
  • Nick p 57
    Pesca was the best of Slate
    Mike Pesca always encouraged thoughtful discourse and nuanced debate. These are things that drew me to Slate in the first place and made me an early Slate Plus subscriber. Now Slate seems more concerned with promoting a single, dogmatic point of view rather than robust, diverse discussion. I’ve cancelled my Slate Plus membership until you bring back Mike.
  • techno_peasant
    Mike Pesca
    Slate used to be great but now it’s run by fragile leftists that can’t handle the softest critique of themselves. Mike Pesca is an incredibly thoughtful and intelligent person and CLEARLY cares deeply about human beings and I won’t be listening to any of their podcasts until they reinstate him and apologize
  • Arcane John Wayne
    Enough already
    How about Slate bring Mike Pesca back?
  • peaches wally
    The Gist
    Please bring back Mike Pesca. My favorite Slate Show. His suspension makes no sense.
  • NYC Sleeper
    I miss Mike Pesca’s The Gist. Aside from The Gist, I recommend Slate Political Gabfest and Slate Money
  • Gaucholoco123456
    Too much content
    Core gabfests are great, pesca is always entertaining, newer gabfests are good and give a nice perspective from alternative and under-heard points of views. Would be nice to tease series instead of posting the full episodes of the entire series (e.g. slow burn, decoder ring). Might get a more accurate listener/downloaded count. (Or is this a strategic juking of the stats by counting the daily feed download and the individual podcast feed download?) Thirst aid kit is garbage, I can’t believe this is a Slate show. Update: bring back Pesca
  • Tsideas&77
    Not nearly as interesting as the much-missed Mike Pesca podcast, The Gist.
  • new mcCartheism?
    Mike Pesca
    I am deleting all of my sleep apps until Mike Pesca gets reinstated
  • all gets fish
    Less talk on planets, more from Pesca
    Slate always advocates for discussion. Mike Pesca seems to share many of the same opinions as everyone else at the site. Yet as he promotes discussion, he gets suspended. Bring Pesca back.
  • justnuisance
    Slate’s downward slide
    Bring Pesca back
  • TrueCrimeNYC
    Very disappointed to hear the last podcast discussing the status of the latest Stimulus package. The host & guest seemed very flippant & sarcastic about something that is actually very serious to many people in this country. The extra $300 that Donald Trump ordered may not seem like a lot to you (obviously you are employed & receiving a paycheck), but as someone in NYC who is receiving it this week, at least it’s something. It’s a sad state of affairs when the representatives we elect can’t be bothered to find a compromise - something they are elected to do. And this is coming from a Democrat who is not a Trump supporter.
  • patty from sb
    Mary Trump
    Excellent interview of Mary Trump on Trumpcast today.
  • KevinMichaelM
    Political Gabfest is A+!
    I’m not a fan of the woman who proselytizes for unfettered free markets, though...I can read Supply Side Jesus for that.
  • Creamie Dingo
    One of the lady hosts talks like she’s been smoking crack
    When the one lady host talked I thought the report kicked into x2 play mode.Chill out and talk normally please!
  • Ddasiissyy
    Simply the best
    Slate podcasts are the best, informative, entertaining, professional yet personal. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and they are pretty much all Slate.
  • SweetINXS
    Love the value from Slate Plus
    Long time subscriber to Slate Plus. The quality and variety of content in their daily feed is really awesome.
  • gdwoman
    I grew up being told I was full of beans 😁 Great Show!
  • ginabeets
    Idiot interviews smart people, too much cringing to handle
    Wow, the Represent #48 interview with Betty Gilpin is hard to watch. The interviewer who clearly has not seen this actresses’ work and other podcast interviews and she asks these stupid questions, at one point saying that because the actress is blonde and young, how does she feel how easy it is to get roles, while for years Gilpin has written a Lenny Letters and has spoken out about the harassment, sexism, objectification, and immense difficulty she has getting roles where she plays something other than a Barbie. It was painful to hear an intelligent actress be interviewed by an idiot in the Represent series. She makes the stupid assumption that if a woman is young and white then her life is super easy.
  • Irascible Me
    Great brexit cast
    Well done!
  • ChristophersRants
    Hack vocal fry
    This is a horrible show hosted and produced by horrible and shameful people the hosts are horrible people and everyone involved is a hack
  • celerity26
    Vocal fry city
    Sadly intense vocal fry makes this unlistenable
  • Lolapants
    How is this a “Daily Feed”?
    I love most of Slates podcasts and was excited at the prospect of a daily pop of content - but, this seems to only come out weekly? Then why call it the “Daily Feed”?
  • Steven Biel
    John Paxon played point guard
    Jesse Eisenberg said he was a shooting guard. Michael Jordan was the point guard.
  • jpgillam
    Obligatory review
    I subscribe to Slate Plus and suggest you do to. Part of the fun is the stream of interesting, ad-free podcasts, from Mike Pesca's "The Gist" to Slate Academy courses. Highly recommended.
  • PhelineCat
    Good selection
    I subscribe to a lot of Slate pods but check this every day for a new gem and I often find it. How else would I find so many Slate podcasts?
  • WildSideWalker
    Bring Back 90 Seconds & Josh Voorhees
    Josh had a great format - listen, read & not so important but interesting need to know news - he also has a great ‘radio’ voice. Thanks for reconsidering the ‘old’ format and the ‘cool voice’ dude! 😊
  • janekgee
    Enjoy this informed team
  • ValueAddNotSubtract
    2/3, 1/3
    2/3 of the episode was very good and I enjoyed hearing John’s perspective especially. 1/3 of the episode was painful: pretty much every time Emily interjected anything. If she could turn her volume down and speak more thoughtfully without interrupting, it would make her presentation much better and improve the episode and podcast.
  • SJGust
    I check it daily
    This is a good resource for finding new podcasts. Just when I think I have all the Slate podcasts I am interested in, a new one comes along.
  • Fanta Se
    How did 90 seconds grow to four minutes?
    This is a mediocre podcast that is fraudulently wrong. It was better when it was 90 seconds.
  • Gevurtz!
    no pledge week
    pledge week, really? you already have slate plus and plug it during every show and sponsors scattered throughout. You aren't a non-profit. Not feeling it.
  • Dr J Dizzle
    Can't live in a Trumpy world without this podcast. Thanks, Jacob, Virginia, Jamelle et al...
  • Emma2472
    Thoughtful outrage
    As folks who refuse to normalize the malevolent idiocy of this kleptocratic blunderbuss of a President, Trumpcast makes each day of this administration a bit more bearable.
  • LizaStabler
    Essential Resource
    Great way to catch subjects or discussions you might miss if you don't subscribe to the individual podcasts. Love Pike Pesca's The Gist (usually, unless there is a sports segment) and 90 Seconds. Was thrilled to catch the one about how contemporary librarians (or one librarian in particular) see their mission in this presidency's knowledge-busting and research-destroying climate.
  • Harvafjshd
    My favorite podcast!
    I really look forward to this every two weeks. It's like sitting around (possibly with a bottle of wine) with your really smart and funny friends discussing politics, culture, current events, etc., as they relate to women.
  • User5555
    Excellent podcast
    Slate's podcasts are the best of the lot. And this one is so great. It has almost surpassed the Culture Gabfest podcast as the leading one. Keep up the excellent research, the depth of the subject. Love it.
    Entertaining and informative
    Love the reporters and their ability to impart complex issues simply. Thank you for this podcast
  • ggosy
    Short and pithy
    Enjoy listening to as I head out to Parking lot after work
  • bberryATX
    Really Slate?
    I love Slate podcasts so I thought I would give this one a turn. Sounds like InfoWars for the left. What a joke!
  • Calafia of Oregon
    I'd stay subscribed if you could keep Mike Pesc off of here.
    Please, enough of that moron. You have some intelligent sounding ladies, let them do the talking. What does Pesca have on you all, anyway?
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