The Idaho Massacre


On November 13, 2022, four students from the University of Idaho are brutally stabbed to death in an off-campus house. After a lengthy investigation and cross-country manhunt, a Ph.D. student from a neighboring university is charged with the crimes. As it turns out, the 28-year-old was majoring in criminology, studying the behavior of killers like the ones he would later be accused of becoming. Did he use his skills to become a real-life Dexter? Were the Idaho victims his first, or was a serial killer hiding in the midst? The producers of The Piketon Massacre explore all sides of the shocking crime in pursuit of the truth.

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  • Jayhair
    Too many ads
    I get it. You have to make money. A few commercials or a sponsorship is fine. But this is worse than television. It’s 3 minutes of ads in the beginning middle and end that is way tooooo many.
  • buckaroomanswife
    Appreciate the work, could be better.
    I appreciate the work that has gone into this podcast and bringing the experts in they did. But the mispronunciation of affidavit, Elantra, and Rader is a little maddening throughout.
  • beth248
    Sensational Journalism/Poor Fact Checking
    This show is both painfully boring and rage inducing. An entire episode was devoted to interviewing the author of a fictional book likening the Kohbergers' journey from WA to PA to the Odyssey. The host goes to immense lengths to say Brian Kohberger is innocent until proven guilty (which he is) and often repeating this about 5 times per episode but no where in the author's interview did she say his book is fictional. In an interview with a former classmate of Kohberger's the host says "I really, really hope Brian is innocent" which is incredibly strange and off putting. Why? So that there is still a killer at large? Another producer, despite it being explicitly explained to him, does not understand the difference between fingerprints and DNA. Skip this drawn out nonsense as well as the previous seasons, these people don't know what they're doing. The host also sounds like she's falling asleep most of the time.
  • 26Mom4
    I was a juror on a criminal case. I just want to comment, as a past juror, on the destruction of the murder house. As long as you have a good prosecutor, you don’t need to go to the crime scene to see and imagine the event in your own head. Your own head and thoughts are often better than the actual scene. Just like reading a book and then seeing the movie. The book is always better. I enjoyed this podcast.
  • MamieJami
    I was trying to like this podcast but to be honest- it’s long, drawn out and season 2 episode 6 the interview with the “journalist” did it for me- her voice was fried and just annoying
  • Big Daddy watermelon
    Trim the fat!
    This is a solid podcast, but my god edit it down. They spend so much time on things that could be covered in 5 minutes or less. They spend 15 minutes talking about BTK for god sakes. They spend a whole episode basically interviewing one of the students who has almost nothing worth while to say.They waste an entire episode taking about whether or not the house should’ve been taken down. I really would’ve waited until the trial had passed before making this podcast.
  • AXO81GRL
    A few very sketchy episodes
    Sketchy episode one is the serial killer expert. He seems very excited and happy and Khalifa that he gets to know serial killers. It’s gross episode episode boots on the ground with the Muslim girl who think she’s a freaking victim because people aren’t gonna like her and her the small town in Idaho we go to you people Giovanni, a large company run by Muslims is in Idaho, Idaho, and then the defamation of Doug Wilson Doug Wilson said one thing about don’t trust with the Moscow police say to you based on his own experience with the Moscow police and now he’s horrible Doug Wilson and his church have zero to do with this murder. Nobody should be talking about doug Wilson. It is nothing to do with Brian Kohlberger and the murder of these four college student disgusting bias against Christianity. save yourself. Don’t listen to this ftom that serial killer expert on. turn it off there.
  • bizznatch
    Am I the only one hearing the host say ‘affadavid’ over and over in this podcast? That, lots of other mispronunciations and the intentionally slow, breathy narration is driving me nuts.
  • Teon77
    Good Pod
    Good guests
  • chamitavnzlna
    Incorrect dna terminology
    I’m really liking this podcast but as a DNA analyst it hurts my soul to hear people who aren’t experts try to explain DNA. Cully does not even properly identify what PCR stands for which is polymerase chain reaction not polychromis reaction.
  • StaciaDawn
    The podcasters audio is almost unbearable
    The P’s and T’s are so intense. Like, move back from the mic. You should know better. It literally hurts my ears. I hope the rest of the seasons are t like this because it’s a good podcast overall.
  • Y.t.09870987
    tunnel sound
    For the love of God get Jeff out of the tunnel hhe needs to get a better microphone go to a closet that gets better sound proof place good grief also stop saying Stephanie and Jeff every five minutes
  • brandinb
    Filling Air Time
    Previously, I really enjoyed and appreciated the level of in-depth reporting from this team. However, the second season regarding the Idaho case adds nothing to the story. The whole season felt like a desperate effort to fill air time. The most confounding to me was the interview with a pop culture expert on the history of horror. What? And how could you let him mispronounce psychopathy so many times on the record? I’m not even going to discuss the amount of air time given to the women obsessed with Kohberger. I would have much preferred to wait for a second season with actual new information.
  • Sleepyfel
    Latah = Lay-taw, not law-duh. Step one of any reliable journalist is asking how to pronounce the key places and names correctly.
  • whatisshehiding
    “Stephanie and Jeff, again.”
    I like this pod and I’m specifically listening to the seasons on the Idaho murders, but my god, the amount of times the host says, “Stephanie and Jeff, again,” is so annoying and unnecessary. Otherwise it’s a compelling and interesting listen.
  • Fishbowlbabe
    Season 6 Episode Mind of a Murderer
    Has it not crossed anyone’s mind that Bryan Kohberger wanted to take photos of his kills and that is why he had his phone? Or the idea that although he had planned it out that moment or that night was still semi impulsive and he was very passionate and angry in that time and space and not thinking as clearly as he had been during the planning.
  • EmLaKo
    Great till episode 10
    Just like other reviews here, I really enjoyed this podcast but episode 10 is where it lost me. The guest reporter is terrible. She seems to be fan-girling the case and Moscow almost giddy in sharing details of seeing Kohberger for the first time. And why are we hearing about your airbnb? This isn’t reporting. They should have cut her interview out all together! Then the hosts delve into a Christian church, Scientology and the Handmaid’s Tale? Pretty clear they’re just filling air time. Just wait till you have something concrete to share with listeners! It’s an unfollow for me sadly.
  • ConstanceTheGiantess
    So repetitive
    The episodes play the same clips over and over again. If you don’t have new material, why not just condense it all into a few episodes rather than drag it out over seasons?
  • Sjbarrett1021
    “It’s funny, you mentioned the handmaid‘s tale.” Sure, we all believe that came up organically…or the law of Occam’s razor suggests you couldn’t wait to mention it and draw analogies from it, like every third wave feminist, and progressive pseudo-intellectual journalist does. You’re so concerned about church indoctrination but fail to see how you’ve been completely indoctrinated by Marxist ideologies in university. I don’t know you, but I’m confident I could list your stance on a range of controversial issues based on this conversation. You’re predictably in lockstep with the culture of modernity. Post modernism cannot be a sustainable basis for morality, take it to the extreme and you’ll see you cannot condemn anyone for anything. Everyone will do what’s right in their own eyes. Progressivism is regression, equity and equal of outcomes is communism. Gods Word is true. Jesus is King.
  • DJW6356
    Podcast Used to be Good
    In my opinion, this podcast started off really well when they were sticking to evidence, facts, investigation, and crime. Season 6 was the start of the regression. I believe episode topics are now being picked just so the host and guests can preach about their politics and social justice issues. In a small town where a large percentage of the population goes to the same church it’s obvious those church members will be a larger percentage of property and business owners. I’m not religious, but this is middle school level math. This podcast is edging closer to the conspiracy theories they once complained about.
  • Mompon
    Was really good till episode 10
    I have really enjoyed listening to and learning about this case, Till you decided to go on and on about a church that appears to have nothing to do with the case. It feels like you were looking for something to fill in with between hearings. I’m obviously horrified with the things that were happening at the church but again it has nothing to do with the case. Stick to the story and the case.
  • AIG248
    Recent episodes
    About Moscow have been pretty gross- trying to generate news and content where there isn’t any. Comes across as just trying to capitalize off of tragedy. The guests have not added anything of substance. Better off taking a hiatus until actual movement in the case happens.
  • A9272816
    I’m really enjoying this show but getting irritated with episode 10. So much better when you don’t try to pass judgement on religion, politics etc. You will insist you’re not judging, but you are. When you’re so sure you have the only correct viewpoint on religion and politics you don’t see your own assumptions and bias.
  • __mome__
    What are we doing here?
    Piketon was middle of the road re: crime reporting. Vocal fry, pronunciation, annunciation, diction and episode planning all seem to be weak points. Idaho Massacre is literally awful. Just repeating the same suppositions and opinions over and over and over. This is not reporting and it’s really annoying.
  • Bree by the beach
    Taking 20 minutes to defame the locals
    This is the show I listen to when my other shows don’t have new episodes. It’s been decent until the episodes where they veered away from the subject matter to defame a local Christian church. I wonder if the same negative attention would be given to a fundamentalist mosque? I’m not a religious person at all but tired of the media villainizing people who have different values than me or them. The church didn’t murder 4 college coeds. Your show is predictable and boring.
  • nothankyiu
    Reaching for content
    Sitting through this vocal fry in exchange zero content … what’s that, your air bnb faced the jail…wow so interesting! Why not just wait to do a show until new information is available.
  • Sisterfam
    I couldn’t finish the episode “Boots on the Ground”! The guest “journalist” seemed giddy when discussing this massacre of the four young students. Her excitement of chasing a victim’s family from the courthouse, eating at the restaurant where one victim worked, to renting an Airbnb that faced the accused’s jail cell, came across more like a groupie following a band on tour. She has preconceived notions of the town residents and seemed to speak down of the blue collar workers, even visiting a church so she could belittle the members. ALSO, her sing-song speech… ICK! I will not continue following this show but I hope they will be a bit more selective when allowing biased opinions and unprofessional reporting on their future shows. Hitting the unfollow button!
  • ATR1897
    Faux objective reporting
    Hard to take what they are reporting as accurate and objective when they spend episodes trashing people and things they don’t believe in like the Christians in Moscow. Who cares if you didn’t like the church service you’re not a member of.
  • k8wma
    Wildly distracting host with whispery vocal fry and at least 50% is filler. Piketon was was better. Skip this.
  • Whitney1286
    Targeting religious organizations and conservative beliefs…
    “Boots on the Ground” did it for me. I thought there would be information about the trial, rather than just a deep-dive by biased “reporters” about religious conservatives in a liberal college town and a church body that has nothing to do with this crime. A lot of our country is religious and conservative, it’s amazing how many podcasts go in this direction and lose listeners, should’ve stuck to the actual story!
  • horsegirljie
    What is this podcast even about??
    Why spend a huge portion of the episode talking about a local church? It has zero to do with the case. Just stick to the case, ladies. No one cares about your social commentary.
  • WhydoIneedanicknameaahhhh3
    Almost Good
    I truly want to learn about these cases, and this podcast is one of the more thorough sources of information, but it feels like a lot of things played up for dramatic effect which feels disrespectful to the people involved. Also, WHY IN THE WORLD would you not think twice before hosting a guest from the HERITAGE FOUNDATION?! The Project 25 people? Really?!? Find someone who can explain DNA but isn’t representing an organization that’s trying to deconstruct basic human rights in the U.S.
  • Bathilda
    Boots on the ground
    That episode is a prime example Of vocal fry making something unlistenable.
  • kpritzl
    Too repetitive
    I like the cases -especially Piketon - Idaho storyline fell flat for me - but so much of the show is repeating and re-repeating info that has been covered. The show could be half the length.
  • mumtopugs7
    This season has fallen off quite a bit, but I was still listening hoping it would pick up again. After hearing the guest from the Heritage Foundation, I’m out. Super disappointing. Much better options out there.
  • JHBphd
    Terrible Season
    This season is full of filler with no substance. And Stephanie seems to like to hear herself talk a lot but doesn’t really contribute anything interesting. I don’t think I’ll keep listening, maybe when the trial actually starts.
  • Mr.And2000
    Was really great until…
    I have really been enjoying this podcast until the last episode, “Boots on the Ground”. What in the world? I just can’t believe you are deep diving into a religious organization that has nothing to do with this crime. Let them live their religion in peace and don’t exploit it just because it’s different than your beliefs. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with this case and is terrible and dangerous journalism. You have a pointed agenda against them and you are using this platform to get it out. Shame.
  • the_good_succ
    Season 6 Episode 10-Journalist Guest
    Love your podcast however, PLEASE do not invite this Journalist on your show again. Her sing-song valley girl recount of her time in the town of Moscow and her tone when talking about rural Idaho was telling of her bias, lack of experience, and immaturity.
  • Mschappy55
    Please Research the Area Better
    I liked the Piketon Massacre seasons but I am not crazy about the Idaho Massacre seasons. The Piketon episodes kept me riveted and I could hardly wait to listen to the next episode. Please research the area better if you are not familiar with the location. It could be that I am very familiar with the area in Idaho. One of the guests who wrote a book kept pronouncing Moscow (moss-co) as moss-cow. The school across from the Latah County Courthouse is a high school. High school students in Idaho don’t get recess. Moscow is a small town when the university isn’t in session however, Latah County contains several other small communities that they can pull from for the jury pool.
  • Hanapepe
    Incredible bias
    The opinions coming out of the mouths of these so called trial followers are CLUELESS about how legal decisions are made about change of venue. Justice will occur whether in Moscow or Boise. The facts are the same. Sounds like the so called expert claiming a change of venue is more worried about her hotel options than what the people who really live this case. What about the families who lost their children? The entire state has been impacted thanks to the media.
  • Cay220
    Gone downhill
    Loved loved loved the Piketon Massacre but this season has gone downhill. Feels like they’re grasping for content and the choice of “experts” is horrifying. Unsubscribed.
  • MissGinger13
    Of all the resources in the country you ask the heritage foundation to be on the podcast. The heritage foundation is working to end our democracy as I am sure you know which makes this move all the more egregious. Stop trying to normalize and legitimize who and what they are. You’ve lost another listener.
  • Annieh333
    Fake Reviews
    Ignore the fake reviews where snowflakes are butthurt someone disagrees with their politics. Solid podcast
  • abby d53
    Wild Speculation
    This season has been super disappointing. It’s just speculation of what might happen with random “experts”, unlike prior seasons where they were telling the story through facts and giving updates.
  • Philly Bauer
    Woof poor choice season 6
    Boy could this season be any worse??? They came out too early on a case that isn’t moving really yet and they are stuck with recycled generic tropes of crime podcasts- ie nature vs nurture. Season is terrible no new information stuck in the mud. Bad choice team. Unlistenable anymore
  • celluloid love
    I really enjoyed this podcast, but the last couple of episodes made me question your integrity. The Heritage Foundation? Immediate unfollow.
  • EmLeFay
    When facts align …
    … they dovetail. Not fishtail. The victims deserve better than people promoting books or pimping for the Heritage Foundation. Do better.
  • ZeauBeau
    Last Two Episodes Made Seriously Questionable Journalistic Choices
    I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who lost all interest after learning they interviewed Cully Stimson from The Heritage Foundation (who is more than happy to introduce himself with that). I already felt uncomfortable with the previous episode’s interviewee, Howard Blum, who felt compelled to write a novel about a case that hasn’t even been to trial yet. Not only is it ethically dubious for a journalist to treat the accused as though they’ve been convicted, it’s clear he doesn’t see the victims as real people. He then questions why the victim’s family would be upset by this after explaining his book is going to be made into a TV show as well. What’s worse is the interviewer makes no effort to question anyone they interview, they simply nod along in awe at speculative claims and hearsay. I was willing to look past all of this as I enjoyed the majority of this series, but interviewing Stimson made lose all interest and respect. I hope they do better.
  • lbnPodcastEnjoyer
    Be Intentional With Your Guests
    Platforming a guy from The Heritage Foundation? Yikes. Unsubscribing.
  • doris90
    Heritage foundation? Really???
    I was into this pod until the episode with a lawyer from the Heritage Foundation. Was really hoping it was not the same Heritage Foundatjon that is behind Protect 2025- but alas it is. Unsubscribe and will not be listening. Gross.
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